Chapter 2

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This accurs 2 days before the kits become apprentices.
It was a moon later when painful wails could be heard from the medicine den as Paleflower was in labour, close to kitting. Cloudkit was trying to distract himself by playing with the apprentices.

Freckledkit knew that she could not stand idly by with how awake she was, so she walked to the medicine den. When she was there she asked calmly, "Hello, do you need any help with the kitting?"

Maplestripe shook her head, "No, but you can get herbs for me." and she proceded to tell her which herbs to get, and Freckledkit calmly carried out the instructions given. As she returned, Paleflower screamed in pain.

"Freckledkit! Good your back! This is it now! I need you to go grab me that stick over there."

The stick was sitting in the sun, almost baking, Freckledkit picked it up and dropped it almost immediately from the shock of its warmth. "This is no good," she thought to herself as she then proceeded to brace herself and take it back in to Maplestripe who immediately gave it to Paleflower to bite down on.

|Over the next few hours Freckledkit continued to help Maplestripe with the birth, collecting and giving the herbs Maplestripe described from her collection. |

Finally the kits were born, 3 in all. Freckledkit looked at the tired queen and her new kits. One, for some reason stood out to her, a small black and cream tom kit, who had just been named Steelkit.

Freckledkit was oblivious to everything around her as she looked at the newborn kit, not noticing that Maplestripe was talking to herself musing, "Freckledkit, you are so excited to help aren't you?"

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