Chapter 17

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Over the next few moons, Steelmask, Freckledwish, and Leafbelly would hang out and talk. Leafbelly, in this time, got the distinct impression that Steelmask and Freckledwish had fallen in love with each other as they were always touching each other in some way. She did not say anything to them though, choosing instead to let them discover it for themselves.
Freckledwish was sitting in her den sleepily as she had not slept well the night before when Steelmask walked in.

Her heart leapt at the sight of him, but for some reason he seemed abrupt in his manor, "We need to talk," he mewed curtly before walking straight out.

Freckledwish, somewhat startled by his abrupt appearance and exit, felt somewhat anxious about the whole situation, she mewed after him,

"In a second I need someone to look after the den." She walked out of her den and spotted Leafbelly by the prey pile,

"Hey! Leafbelly, can you look after my den?" Freckledwish called out to the she-cat.

"Oh um, sure?" She mewed coming over to Freckledwish, "May I ask why?" She mewed when she got to Freckledwish.

"Steelmask wants to talk with me. I am assuming he wants to ask me out of camp alone since he has gone already," she nodded to the direction Steelmask had gone, and he could be seen swishing his tail nervously on the edge of the camp.

Leafbelly nodded and went into the den, "I hope things are settled between them," the romantic cat thought turning to watch Freckledwish walk to Steelmask before turning back to settle into the den to wait for injured cats to show up.

"How about we collect some herbs while we talk" Steelmask suggested awkwardly when Freckledwish arrived at where he was waiting for her.

Freckledwish nodded and initially they wandered almost a bit aimlessly looking for the herbs needed for the medical den.

Freckledwish remembered then that she needed cobwebs so she signaled with her tail to go down the tunnel leading the gorge.

The two walked down the tunnel fur touching in the cramped space, as they got to the bottom of the tunnel where either was no longer cramped Steelmask whispered to himself, "This is my opportunity."

Freckledwish was intently grabbing cobwebs when it seemed to her she was propositioned by Steelmask out of nowhere, causing her to look at him.

"Freckledwish, I know it's wrong but... I think I love you-" he confessed, blushing furiously, "Its just that... you have always been there for me, your beautiful, smart and-" he was cut off as Freckledwish pressed her head against his.

"Listen to me, I know this love is wrong but... you have also been for me through all the times I've seen someone die, you have been there for me. Steelmask... I love you too." She whispered to the tom, tears of joy running down her face in relief at his confession, a burden lifted off her as she was afraid he was going to end their friendship over her obvious affection to him.

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