Mercenary Bros

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AUS: Alien!Purpled, Mercenary Brothers


Purpled hummed, the wind blowing softly in his hair. He had a purple suit on for Quackity, he was told to meet up at a flower shop. The boy walked in swiftly to be met by Quackity himself.

"Purpled! Woa! Jeez, I was waiting for you all morning! Hey!"

Quackity said warmly, chuckling softly while saying it.

"Hey, you look great man. How are you doing?"

The raven haired boy continued speaking, walking towards Purpled.

"Thank you. Good, how are you?"

Purpled responded, his voice wasn't as happy as Quackity's. It was natural, like he just wanted to get this over with.

"I'm doing great! I'm- I'm doing absolutely- Dude! Thank you, so much. Holy crap, thank you so much once again for help on the whole egg thing. Its gone man! We- We did it. Its gone, its- we did it! We, we did it dude!"

Quackity rambled on happily. Purpled looked uninterested and kept looking around at things, Quackity didn't notice this.

"I mean- Sam contained it but do we really know whats gonna happen?"

Purpled pointed out bluntly, looking at Quackity in the eyes. This question made him pause.

"Listen- Listen I'll talk that over with Sam. I'm sure everything's fine. Um. Listen- The thing is, and the good part about this all is its contained. Its not gonna hurt anybody. And- I've been walking around, I've been seeing people there's much less tension and everything's so much better. So, we did a great thing! We did a great thing here so- Aga- again I really, really appreciate it man. Thanks so much for all your help. And- yeah dude! Everything's great."

Quackity kept on rambling, smiling happily at the end.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah. So cut the bullshit real quick"

Purpled pushed Quackity lightly.

"with everything's great. Where's my money. I mean, I did everything for you. Where's my money?"

He stated this bluntly, he did his job and wanted to get away from him. Quackity's expression dropped quickly.

"Right. Yeah- no- Of course, I would never forget. I would never forget, Purpled. You came for your money, and that's what you're going to get. Come up here with me."

He led Purpled upstairs, the upstairs had no roof and grass as floor. Purpled followed swiftly behind.

"I'm a man of my word, there it is. There's your payment."

Quackity pointed towards a chest. Purpled looked at Quackity before going over to it.

"Okay, thank you"

Purpled said as he opened the chest and grabbed everything inside.

"Take a look at it, everything's in order."

Quackity said, smiling slightly.

"Everything's there, appreciate it. Thank you for doing business."

Purpled said as he turned back to Quackity.

"Absolutely, hey. You know what? Because I appreciate your help, so much. I have something else for you, wait up here. Let me get it for you."

Quackity said as he went downstairs. Purpled turned the other way, looking at his UFO. Well, that was until he heard a lever. Purpleds eyes widened as his UFO was blown into pieces. His ears ringing loudly from the explosions. He quickly recovered and ran to his UFO.

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