Money theif!

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The wind blew softly through platinum blonde hair, purple eyes scanning the room. Light steps filled the silent room, pacing. This helped them think, this helped them with a lot. They adjusted their purple hoodie, putting his hands in black athletic short pockets. They looked around, blue walls. His brother's room, Luke. Grayson was this boy's name. An alien hybrid of some sorts, blue antennas sticking out of his hair. Bright cyan freckles decorating his face and body. His antennas had cyan stripes on them. He had bright violet eyes with a purple hood and black athletic shorts. Grayson had white lightweight shoes with black socks. He stretched, looking around Luke's room. It was decorated with medals from sports he'd played. Hockey, Football, Basketball, and even more. Luke had a big and strong build, although Grayson was the absolute opposite. Skinny and tall, he had athletic ability, sure. His brother and him sparred all the time, Luke was in a sparring class and knew how to fight. Grayson learned from him, he knew just as much as Luke. Ah, back to what he was doing. Stealing something from his brother, again.

Grayson looked around, he spotted Luke's wallet. Jackpot, literally. He grabbed it and swiped all the cash Luke had, the blonde had a bad habit of leaving his wallet or money behind. Grayson took advantage of this. The alien hybrid giggled and walked back to his room, counting his money he grabbed. Luke made good money, that's all Grayson knew. Luke didn't like to talk about his job, Grayson respected it. He himself did not like to talk about school. Grayson bumped into something, yelping. He had counted 50$ so far, looking up to be met with icy blue and angry eyes. Luke. Grayson bolted for his room, laughing. Luke wasn't far behind, yelling at Grayson. He slid into his room and slammed the door, locking it. Grayson put a chair under the doorknob, he knew Luke wouldn't hurt him. Grayson would probably get a light smack on the back of the head and a chuckle. Grayson stood there for a few seconds, before moving the chair and unlocking the door. Luke immediately bursted in, Grayson smirked and dived behind him, he was stopped by a yank on the back of his hood.

"What were you doing, Grayson"

Luke's stern voice spoke up, snatching the money back and ruffling the younger's hair. Grayson huffed, he was so close. Luke dragged him by the hood and went downstairs, rolling his eyes playfully. Grayson wasn't bothered by this, Luke wasn't actually hurting him so why should he care. He was plopped down in a chair, a plate filled with food in front of him. Luke was okay at cooking, it was good, not amazing. Grayson smiled at Luke, Luke sat down across from him with his own plate. They gave a look at each other, nodding respectfully before digging in the food. Grayson was always grateful for whatever Luke did. They didn't have parents, well. First of all, Grayson was adopted. Luke's parents adopted him, when Luke moved out, Grayson naturally followed.

Luke and Grayson were always close. Sure, maybe they were really different. Grayson being an alien hybrid, and Luke being a normal human. Second off, they just got each other. Like, they clicked when they started talking. Grayson followed Luke everywhere, Luke just let him. Third off, they were brothers. No matter what blood they had, they were brothers. Luke protected Grayson, and Grayson the same. The two were inseparable.

Grayson stood up, the chair making a loud noise under him. Luke looked up, and back at Graysons plate. He smiled at Grayson and gave him a high five. The younger one had slight problems with eating. But he's been getting a lot better now, he got them from being in foster care half his life. Luke finished up his plate and Grayson started dishes, humming. Luke dried them off and put them away, the two were talking about their school day. When Grayson was stealing Luke's money, Luke was helping out at the school. The younger had just got out of school for the day.

"There was a school fight"

Grayson spoke up, eyebrows knitting down as he rubbed off a stain on a plate.

"Were you in it?"

Luke said with a stern voice, both of them were notorious for getting into fights.

"Yeah, I won though. Didn't even get a hit on me"

Grayson spoke proudly before being met with a hit to the back of the head softly.

"Just because I get into fights doesn't mean you should, okay?"

Luke said softly, he felt bad. Grayson only had Luke to look up too. Well, Grayson had a lot of older friends he looked up to. Andrew, or better well known as Eighty. Clay and even Alex.

"Clay said I'm good at them,"

Grayson spoke up after a second. Luke was friends with Clay, they were classified as close friends even.

"Clay doesn't have a brain"

Luke said, finishing up dishes. He put the last plate away and put the rag down, smiling at Grayson. Grayson seemed deep in thought, just standing by the sink.

"Maybe so."

He finally said before walking off to the living room, Luke was quick to follow. He hummed and sat next to Grayson on the couch, turning on a random Disney movie. He caught the slight glimmer in Grayson's eyes as he put it on.

Grayson secretly loved Disney movies, no matter how much he tried to refuse he did. The alien hybrid adored Toy Story, even though he was 16. Luke knew this, he always had. He saw how his face lit up when he clicked on one, even just to look.

Grayson leaned against Luke, his eyes droopy.

"You're gonna miss the movie"

Luke said, smirking.

"Don't care. Shut it."

Grayson snapped back, yawning. Luke just let him, knowing the boy was joking. The blonde picked up the younger, bringing him to his room. Luke yawned as well, school was stressful today. They had 2 assessments in English and Math, then their friends were being especially loud today. He reached Graysons room and plopped him down on the mattress, patting his head and walking off to his own room. Luke flopped on his bed, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He snuggled into the covers and covered himself with blankets, nuzzling into the pillow. Luke fell asleep quickly, as he was exhausted.

What Luke did not expect, is to wake up with someone snuggled up next to him. Grayson was hugging him and snuggling up to him. Something seemed wrong though. Ah, that's it. Grayson's eyes were puffy and red from crying. Luke sighed and hugged him back, holding him softly. He patted his head as Grayson opened his violet eyes. Graysons gripped tightened. Normally, Luke never saw Grayson very vulnerable. The younger always hid his emotions, no matter how bad it was. Luke found it very concerning, but he couldn't force him to be sad. Grayson sat up softly, yawning and stretching. Luke dragged him back down to the cuddle, ruffling his hair. Luke hugged him and didn't let go for a long time. Grayson let it happen, holding onto Luke. 


1195 words

I dont use their ooc names normally, but I was writing this in class and I didnt want anyone to know I liked dsmp...- I hope it dosent cause too much problems. 

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