An unexpected visitor (2)

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TW: G0re, bl..d, kidnapping.



They were face to face, Purpled had no weapons on him.

"Long time no see, huh?"

Quackity spoke up, grinning. He stepped closer, Purpled took a step back.

"What do you need, Quackity?"

Purpled asked, calm with his tone. He didn't need to anger him anymore then he already was.

"To kill you, of course!"

Quackity said simply, rolling his eyes as if that was obvious.

"Look- You don't wanna do this. I have 3 canon lives, I know you lost one by now."

Purpled said calmly, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh, but I have something you want. Purpled, I have looked deep into every single info i could get on you. And I couldn't get anything. So I decided to go right for the source."

Quackity said, he was grinning again. He put his axe up, humming.

"What do you have."

Purpled asked, anger rising in him. DogChamp was now sitting by his side, although the dog looked normal. He was a alien, like Purpled. He had another form in which hes huge with big claws and sharp teeth. Purpled thinks he could win this fight if DogChamp can hold Quackity back.

"I have Punz."

Quackity said, then he bursted out laughing like it was the funniest joke ever. Purpleds face went pale with shock. He clenched his fists.

"No. No you don't."

Purpled argued, his brother was smart and strong. He couldn't have gotten captured by a low life like Quackity.

"Oh! But yes i do. And your gonna come with me to see him."

Quackity said, his voice changing to a cold one. Purpled quickly looked around for a quick escape route. He found one, but Quackity seemed to know.

"If you run, Punz and that dog dies."

Quackity said, he had his axe to DogChamp. Purpled backed away with his hands up.

"Do not hurt him. What do you need me to do?"

Purpled said quickly, accepting defeat.

"Just come with me, and make sure the dog stays here."

Quackity said, backing away from the dog. Purpled told him to stay before following him out the door. Purpled turned around to face his cabin before he felt a harsh pain against his head. A bat. Quackity had knocked him out cold with a bat.


Purpled groaned, in pain. His head was banging and it hurt like hell. He quickly stopped and looked around as he noticed he was tied up and on the floor. Punz was next to him, sleeping. He looked at the rope he was tied with, a good knot. Not something he could get out of. He mentally cursed at himself for letting him get in this situation. Purpled sighed and looked at Punz. He flopped next to him, he nuzzled his head into his chest. He was glad to see Punz was at least alive. He didn't think Quackity knew the consequences if he killed Punz. Dream and himself would not let it go unnoticed. Dream needed Punz for jobs. Punz was his brother.

He felt Punz wake up, he gasped.


Punz asked, confused.

"The one and only,"

Purpled said, smiling.

"So, how'd he get you?"

Punz asked, kissing his forehead softly. (BROTHERLY.)

"I invited Ponk over and Quackity must've gotten word."

Purpled said, smiling again from the kiss on the head.

"Oh, yikes."

Punz said softly, he felt bad.

"How about you?"

Purpled asked, yawning.

"I was asleep and i ended up here"

Punz said, embarrassed.

"I'm glad your sleeping again."

Purpled responded, their conversation was cut off as Quackity came in. The doors opened harshly and his boots clacked against the ground.

"Ah! You two are awake, great. We can get to work."

Quackity said, he shoved both of them up and walked behind them. They walked into a room with just a table. There was a door on the left by the back. Quackity shoved both of them into a seat and sat next to them.

"So! Answer my questions or you'll get hit. Simple!"

Quackity said, he sounded like a sadist.

"I'm not answering anything."

Purpled said bluntly.

"Oh, but you will."

Quackity stood up, smiling.

"I'm not scared of the likes of you."

Purpled answered, sticking out his tongue. He was met by a slap to the face, perfect. He bit Quackitys wrist as hard as he could, not letting go. Sometimes you have to play dirty to win.

"Gah! What the hell?"

Quackity yelped, he used his other hand to hit the side of Purpled's head. There was a mark and some blood. Purpled looked straight at Quackity and licked the blood off his teeth, smiling.

"What is wrong with you?!"

Quackity raised his voice, he walked over to him and pushed him on the ground. He kicked him in the stomach, Purpled made a noise in pain before he wrapped his legs around Quackitys leg. He tripped and fell, and Purpled bursted out laughing.


Quackity screamed, obviously angry.

"Pay more attention, you shouldve seen that coming."

Purpled stated bluntly, snickering. Punz also started laughing, trying to cover it. Quackity scoffed and picked up Purpled, he punched his nose as hard as he could. There was a sickening crack before blood started pouring out. His nose was broken, Purpled screeched in pain. Quackity took this chance and threw him against the wall, Purpled hit his head and blood started coming from his head as well, Purpled sobbed.

"Thinking I'm fucking stupid."




A booming voice came from the left back side of the room. It was a green haired man, a creeper hybrid. He had pointy ears and dark green eyes with black eye whites. He had green freckles and had a green long sleeved shirt and black pants. He had a netherite chestplate on as well as a trident in his hand.


Sam had come to save them.

Part 3 soon!

Words: 1000

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