An unexpected visitor (3)

457 12 1

Sorry guys this is kinda late, kinda busy recently sob

TWS: Bl00d, G0re, crying

Purpleds eyes widened, he wanted to smile. But that was prevented by the pain he was in. Punz quickly got out of his ropes, as he was stronger than Purpled. He tackled Quackity, then yelled something to Sam. Sam quickly came running over, he put Quackity in handcuffs.

Well, thats all Purpled saw before he felt himself get dizzy and his vision get blurry. Purpled reached out, his hand was met by a soft fabric. Punz' hoodie. He held on, he remembered sobbing into this hoodie so many times. How soft it was. How comforting it was. Purpled mustered up enough strength and pulled himself to the hoodie, putting his face into it. He closed his eyes, the fabrics warmness seemed to surround him. 

Purpled passed out, and Punz quickly took action. When he felt Purpled grab his hoodie he looked at him. He realized how bad of a condition he was in. Blood seeping down his nose at a alarming rate, a mark on his face, blood seeping down his face from his head. Punz quickly told Sam he had to go and picked up Purpled, running off with him. He went to his house, opening the doors quickly. He set Purpled down on the couch, then rushed over to the kitchen where the first aid was. He grabbed the white box and ran back over to Purpled, opening the box quickly. Punz grabbed a towel out of the box and pressed it to Purpled's head, the white towel was quickly dyed red from blood.

Punz gagged slightly before pressing slightly harder, he needed to stop the bleeding. After a few minutes, he removed the towel. He saw it had stopped bleeding, and now he could bandage it. He grabbed the wrap bandages from the box and started softly but tightly wrapping them around his head so it could cover the wound. It went sideways around his head as the wound was on the side of his head. Punz sighed as he got the most important injury done, he looked at his face, blood was still seeping from his nose. He knew it was broken. He grabbed a tissue and put it up his nostril, then he looked at his mouth to make sure it was open so he could breathe. It was, he took out his phone and looked up how to fix a broken nose. It seemed it'll heal on it own, Punz put his phone away.

He got up and grabbed a wet small hand towel. Punz walked back to Purpled, he wiped the blood off his face and cleaned some out his hair. He used care while doing this, as he didn't want him to be in more pain then he already was. He finished, he bent down to Purpled and checked his face for any more wounds. There was a mark on his face so he needed ice for that. Then definitely pain killers and some other medicines. Punz got up and got what he needed, he walked over to Purpled again. He set a wet cold towel on his forehead, he put a glass of water and a few medicines. He had a plate of apple slices and peanut butter on the side, as Punz knew Purpled's favorite food combos. He put a small ice pack on his face, he bent down and kissed his cheek before walking off to his room to sleep. Before he went to bed he messaged Dream he won't be able to come to work tomorrow, as he had to take care of Purpled. Punz flopped in his bed and fell asleep quickly, he was exhausted.

Punz was jolted awake by a scream. He got up quickly and ran to where it came from, he was met by Purpled. He was crying and holding his head, he must've just woken up.  Punz rushed over to him, he hugged him and Purpled put his head on Punz' chest. Punz sat down on the couch, cooing comforting words into Purpled's ear. He hear tears in his own eyes now, he didn't know it was this bad.

"Punz! Punz it h- hurts! Ple-please- do something! Please!"

Purpled screamed into his chest, his grip tightened. He was in so much pain. Punz couldn't just leave him here, he stood up. Holding Purpled bridal style, Purpled threw his head back and covered his mouth. Sobbing. Punz had to walk, because if he ran Purpled would be hurt even more. He sat Purpled down on the counter, grabbing pain killers and a glass of water. He rushed during this, then went over to Purpled, giving them to him. Purpled took them gratefully, taking them quickly. Purpled continued sobbing into his hands after, Punz carried him again. He went to the couch and he laid down, having Purpled ontop of him (not like that :/) as he was sobbing into his shoulder. Punz stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down his eyes. He rubbed circles onto Purpleds back, playing with his hair.

"I'm so sorry, Purpled."

Punz said into his ear with a shaking voice.


Purpled managed to get out, his body shaking with every sob. This went on for around 10 minutes, Purpled sobbing into Punz' shoulder. Finally, the pain killers kicked in, and Purpled calmed down. Now the two were face to face, tears streaming down both of their faces.

"I love you, Punz" (Brotherly.) Purpled said, tackling his brother into a big hug.

"I love you more, Purp" Punz said with a smile.

Their bond has been the closest on the server since then.


I'm so sorry, this was really late. But I'm proud of myself! I did good, apologies again

Words: 960

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