Bad day

772 16 16

AUS: Alien!Purpled

TWS: Character death, suicide, crying, heavy injuries, abuse

Purpled and Punz had the closest bond on the server. Wilbur and Tommy couldn't compare. They were simply meant to be brothers.

Purpled sat on the couch while on his phone, waiting for Punz to come home. Punz was very busy, so when he wasn't doing his mercenary work he was with Purpled. He heard the door open and perked up, setting a bag of takeout on the counter. Purpled got up and went to hug him softly, smiling.

"You can't say I don't feed you anymore,"

Punz said jokingly, ruffling his hair and hugging back. They stayed like that for a few minutes before pulling apart to eat, Purpled grabbed his food and sat on the couch, scarfing it down. Punz chuckled, shaking his head.

"You can feed yourself, you know?"

Punz spoke up, sitting next to Purpled. Eating his food at a normal pace, unlike his brother Purpled, stuffing his mouth full. Punz put on a random movie, Purpled finished his food quickly. Setting down the empty bowl on the coffee table, flopping his head in Punz' lap.

"Thanks, Love you."

Purpled said softly, struggling not to fall asleep. Punz set a hand in his hair, playing with his brother's hair while eating. Eventually, Purpled fell asleep in his lap. Punz smiled, Purpled always got clingy when he came home. He couldn't blame him, he's gone half the time. When he finished his food he put it next to Purpleds on the coffee table. Punz softly picked up Purpled, careful not to wake him. He walked off with him to Punz' room. He set Purpled in the bed, laying next to him. Punz smiled, snuggling up to him.

They fell asleep in each other's arms.

After an hour or two, Purpled woke up. He smiled at Punz, playing with his hair. Punz deserved the world, Purpled thought. He had gone through a lot. Too much. He's glad Purpled was able to help him. Purpled, hummed and got up, being extra careful not to wake Punz. He walked out of the room and grabbed water, opening it and taking a big gulp. He stretched and grabbed another for Punz, he walked off to Punz' room. He walked in quietly, setting his water on the nightstand. He paused as he realized he still had his gold medtailain on. It looked uncomfortable, but he knew he hated it being touched. He left it for now, getting in bed next to Punz' and snuggling with him.

Their relationship was stable. They were brothers, always next to each other and defending the other. Inseparable.

They spent most of their time cuddling or doing things together. If they got into a fight, it would be resolved quickly. Many thought they were (platonic) soulmates. They were so much alike.

The days seemed to repeat, Punz comes home from work, they cuddle and watch movies, Punz goes to work.

Purpled was pacing around the living room, impatiently waiting for Punz to come home. He finally heard the door open. Purpled rushed over to the door, hugging Punz.

"Purp, I'm really exhausted. Please let me go."

Punz said stubbornly, he had an argument with Dream and wanted to be alone.

"Oh- Yeah sorry"

Purpled backed off, he smiled happily at his brother. Punz' simply patted his head and walked to his room. Purpled followed, he wanted to help him. Purpled quickly grabbed a water bottle for Punz. Punz ignored Purpled, hoping he would take a hint he wanted to be alone. Purpled simply kept following, talking to Punz' about his day.
Punz' already had a headache, Purpled wasn't exactly helping. He tuned him out and sighed, getting in bed quickly. Purpled got into bed next to him, snuggling up to him. Punz' eyes narrowed, very annoyed. He closed his eyes and almost immediately fell asleep, leaving Purpled still talking about his day to a sleeping Punz. Purpled tried to sleep, but couldn't. Punz' medallion was stabbing him in the chest. He decided to take it off, because it seemed uncomfortable with it as well. He was very careful while taking it off. He did it successfully without waking up Punz. Purpled put it on the nightstand, snuggling up to Punz. They fell asleep together, once again.

Purpled woke up after an hour and a half, finding a sleeping Punz in front of him. Purpled sat up and got up, yawning while stretching. He got out of the bed and walked out, he started making Mac & Cheese for both of them, starting to boil water in a big pan. Purpled hoped Punz was in a better mood than before, he really didn't want to deal with a grumpy Punz all day. Purpled felt his heart drop when he heard an angry Punz yell his name. He froze up, what could have he done to make him this angry.

Well, he was about to find out as he watched Punz walk up to him. Angrily asking about his medallion. Purpled explained everything in great detail, not letting Punz see how anxious he was. When he finished, he was met by.

A slap to the face.

Punz had slapped Purpled.

Purpleds eyes widened, his anxiousness turning into anger quickly.

"What the fuck was that for!?"

Purpled yelled at Punz

"Your fucking lying. You stole my medallion. It's not on the nightstand, you asshole. Why would you steal it?!"

Punz yelled back, getting in Purpled's face.

"I didn't fucking lie you dumbass!! Go look again."

Purpled yelled back. After a few seconds he thought he won the fight, because Punz was silent. How wrong he was. He watched in horror as he watched Punz quickly reach for the boiling water on the stove. Dumping it on Purpled.

Purpled screamed, he felt like he was burning alive. He fell to the ground, curled up in a ball and scratching dangerously at his face. Punz kicked Purpled out of his way.

"You're absolutely useless. Pathetic, weak, and hopeless. I couldn't believe you thought I loved a freak like you. Look in the mirror and remind yourself you will never be my brother."

Punz spat at Purpled, he bent down and looked at him. He reached for his antenna and broke it right in half, scoffing and leaving the younger to cry in pain to himself. Purpled was full on sobbing as he shook in pain.

Purpled died the next day.

Punz regretted every second of it.

Punz commuted suicide a week later.


Words: 1091

This one was kinda sadge, sorry-

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