A helping hand.

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Eating Disorder, Crying, Puking

AUS: Alien!Purpled, Avian!Tommy

PS: This is all strictly platonic, the most it gets is kisses. That's it.


Purpled was walking DogChamp down the prime path. DogChamps soft fur rubbing against his leg, patting his head. Today, he had a mission of some sorts. He was going to see Tommy. Purpled was almost there, smiling excitedly. Oh, should he mention that this is a date? Platonic. Purpled found Tommy crying in his room because Tubbo always leaves him behind. Purpled offered up a date as a joke, but surprisingly, he accepted. Purpled was fairly excited, he and Tommy were best friends. Purpled was finally at his door. It was a cottage, Tommy built it a while ago, to get away from everyone. Purpled thought it was really pretty, it was secluded and had a nice aesthetic. He hummed as he knocked on the door softly, as Tommy knew he was coming. Purpled stepped back, waiting for Tommy patiently. Tommy opened the door, the blonde's face lit up when he saw Purpled. Hugging him tightly, Purpled hugged back.

"I missed you, stupid!"

Tommy spoke loudly, since he and Purpled had been going to Puffys therapy, he's been a lot less self conscious. 

"I was here 2 days ago,"

Purpled pointed out, chuckling. He patted his head, playing with his hair. Tommy cooed and purred from the touch, since the younger was an avian. It's a bird hybrid, and his breed is a chicken. Purpled on the other hand, was an alien. He didn't know much about himself, other than he had a deadly alien space. Purpled avoided talking about it at all, not even to Tommy or Punz. 

"What?! That was like, 3 weeks ago, asshole."

Tommy pulled out of the hug, smirking proudly. He turned around and walked into the house, prompting Purpled to follow. In which, he did. He closed the door behind him after letting DogChamp come in, Purpled knew where Tommy was taking him. DogChamp barked excitedly, and Purpled crouched down and ruffled his fur, kissing his snout. He stood back up to be met by a jealous Tommy. Purpled rolled his eyes, grabbing him softly by the chin and kissing his nose. 

"All better?"

Purpled questioned, smiling as blush creeped up his face.

"All better."

Tommy confirmed before continuing where he was walking to. Purpled followed, Tommy was leading him to the backyard, as he expected. Purpled hummed, clicking his tongue as a signal for DogChamp to follow. He came running and ran around the backyard. Tommy had set up something really nice for him. There was a picnic blanket and pastries set out, all space and nature themed. Tommy was always intrigued by nature, and how beautiful it was. Purpled, being a alien, was obsessed with space. There was fairy lights and the sun was just setting. This image would be in his brain forever. Purpled looked at Tommy, grinning like a absolute dork. He pulled him into a hug, attacking his face with soft kisses.


Tommy giggled, enjoying the attention. Purpled didn't stop for a few seconds, before pulling back and looking at him. Tommy's face was practically bright red and he was covering his face with his hands, embarrassed. Purpled pushed his hands off his face, grabbing one and running to the picnic blanket with him. He looked at all the food Tommy prepared, his stomach twisted in pain as he looked at it. It seems Tommy forgot about his eating disorder. Purpled ignored it for now, that's a problem for later. He looked at Tommy, still smiling. He squeezed his hand lightly, kissing his forehead before dragging him down in his lap. This is what normally happened, Tommy got covered in love while Purpled was just happy to be around someone, especially Tommy. Purpled softly played with his hair, caressing his face with his other hand.

"You're obsessed with me, alien boy."

Tommy said quietly, as he was enjoying the attention.

"You like me being obsessed with you, bird boy."

Purpled said back, smiling.

"And what if I do?"

Tommy answered, his blue eyes looking at Purpled's violet ones.

"Then I'll keep doing it, you dork."

Purpled said, ruffling his hair. He rubbed his thumb on his cheek, humming softly. Purpleds other hand was untangling his curly hair. He was absolutely in awe at this moment, he had a beautiful blonde boy in his lap as the sun was setting. And his dog was happily playing in the backyard, running around crazily. Tommy said up suddenly, Purpled flinched slightly and removed his hands. Chuckling lightly.


Purpled said, looking at Tommy.


Tommy said, he grabbed a pastry and stuffed it in his mouth. Purpled was silently freaking out. He gave a smile to Tommy before looking at the pastries. He could do this, right? Right. Purpled grabbed a doughnut ball, bringing it up to his mouth. Purpled put it in his mouth, chewing it. He felt disgusting. A voice at his was screaming he was fat and ugly now. Purpled quietly excused himself to the bathroom, Tommy wasn't paying attention. Purpled was basically running to the bathroom, wanting to get the food out of his mouth. When he finally got there, he puked. He puked every single bite he got himself to eat today. Purpled was doing good as well. He felt tears going down his cheek, his body shaking. Purpled bit his hoodie. Not here, not now. Purpled was sobbing silently, not letting himself make a single noise. He held his stomach, he felt so gross. He felt useless, why couldn't he eat like a normal person. He must've stayed in there sobbing for 10 minutes, because he heard Tommy at the door.


Tommy said quietly, knocking on the door softly. 

"I- I'm busy!"

Purpled called out, trying to make his voice as stable as possible.

"You've been in there 10 minutes, whats happening?"

Tommy spoke softly, putting his head on the door.

"I'm fine"

Purpled said, stern although he had tears going down his cheek.

"Purpled, we both know that phrase way too well."

Tommy said back, his voice deep.

"I'm coming in"

Tommy said softly, opening the door. He was met by a crying Purpled hiding the bottom of his face in his hood. Tommy cooed and crouched down, hugging him.

"Oh, starshine, what happened?"

Tommy said softly, Purpled very slightly perking up at the nickname. Tommy kissed his cheeks, hugging him softly. Purpled was calming down.

"I- I- I could.."

Purpled muttered out and made a eating motion. Oh fuck, Tommy thought, I really forgot about his eating disorder?!

"Oh, oh honey. Honey, I'm so sorry."

Tommy cooed, kissing his head. Purpled nodded, stuffing his face into Tommy's shoulder. 

"Shh, star. It's okay, I forgot and it was my fault. Remember how good you were doing? It's amazing, yeah? I love you, I'm so sorry."

Tommy whispered into his ear, caressing his face.

"It's- its okay. Love y- you more."

Purpled said quietly, leaning on him. Tommy rubbed his back, and Purpled calmed down quickly. His tears ran dry and stopped threatening to spill. Purpled pulled back, looking at Tommy. He gave a smile and hugged him again.

"Thank you, so much."

Purpled said quietly, he had a sad past. His parents were dead. His brother had left him behind. He had no friends inside the DSMP. He was forgotten by most, except Tommy. Tommy always made time for him.


Did i cry while writing this? Maybe. I believe a school AU is next!

Words: 1300

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