Sick days.

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AUS: Alien!Purpled, Mercenary Bros

TWS: Puking, sickness, crying.


Purpled wasn't soft. Everyone knew that. He wasn't cold hearted either. His patience ran quick and he was blunt with everything and everyone. He got straight to it. Precise and concentrated. 

 The thing is, Purpled was often forgotten about because of this. He didn't cause wars, didn't pick sides. Unless money was involved, he was truly neutral. He liked it that way. No one came to him without knowing there's a price. That's a good and bad thing. Good, because he didn't have to be bothered of arguing with anyone. Bad, because unless they wanted something from him, no one cared about him.

Punz knew something was up when he hadn't seen his brother leave his UFO for days. He wanted to spend time with him, he really did. Punz just simply didn't have the time. It was sad to him. Punz loved his brother, a lot. After a few days of arguing with Dream to have 2 weeks off of work, he finally got what he wanted. The first day he had off, he immediately went to Purpled's UFO. 

So now here he was, standing in front of the UFO. Purpled's house, and his way home. He hummed softly as he yelled up to the UFO. Purpled didnt exactly have a door, which was inconvinet at times. Well, a lot actually. 


Punz yelled, waiting for a response. Though, his brother poked his head out of the window. Purpled looked drained, tired, exhausted and sickly. Punz rushed up the UFO to see his brother. When he got in the UFO. DogChamp ran up to him, barking and then running to Purpled's room. Punz followed quickly, knowing that something was very wrong if DogChamp was acting up.

When he entered the room it immediately smelled like puke and sickness. Purpled was slumped in the bed with empty water bottles and clothes all over the floor. He had a few puke buckets next to his bed and it looked like he hasnt left his room for days. Punz' face softened as he looked at his brother. He was pale and had eyebags. Purpled shifted in the bed and groaned.


Punz said softly, Purpled's eyes shot open and looked at him before sighing and looking away.

"What happened? You shouldve told me."

Punz had a serious tone, yet soft and careful. Purpled pointed to the broken communicator next to him on the nightstand.  Punz sighed and went over to Purpled, picking him up. He could care less if he got sick, his brother was suffering. He brought Purpled to the kitchen and sat him down on the counter.

"Chicken noodle soup or chicken tortilla soup?"

Punz asked, looking in a cabinet. After a few seconds, there was no response from Purpled. Punz looked back at him and he was glaring at Punz. When he turned Purpled made a motion for him to come here. Purpled opened his mouth to speak but all that came out was a raspy cough. He had lost his voice. Punz sighed and patted Purpled's head. He felt bad he didnt check up on him earlier. 

"1 for chicken noodle soup, 2 for chicken tortilla soup"

Punz stated, he still had a caring tone to his voice. Purpled held up 2 fingers, signifying he wanted chicken tortilla soup. 

Punz got out a quick recipe on his phone, he followed what it said exactly.

---Timeskip to when it was done (because I hate writing cooking)

There was a nice smell to the soup. Punz hummed as he dumped some into a bowl for Purpled, handing it to him with a spoon. 

"Enjoy, Purp"

Punz said, smiling. He got himself a bowl of the soup and sat on the counter. They ate in a comfortable silence. Eventually, they were finished. Punz took their bowls and washed them out quickly before walking over to Purpled. Purpled looked tiredly at Punz, he pointed softly to his room. Punz chuckled at this before picking him up and holding him, walking to Purpled's room. 

They sat down on the bed and Purpled flopped down, dragging Punz with him.


Punz complained, trying to get up. Purpled kept him there, snuggling up to him. Punz paused then laughed softly as he was realizing he just wanted snuggles. Punz accepted this, playing with Purpleds hair and holding him. Purpled had his head against Punz' chest. They stayed in this position until they fell asleep.

As sleep overtook them both, Punz made a mental note to himself. Saying that he dosent care how busy he is, his brother is his first priority.


END <33

words: 760

I enjoyed writing this ngl, hope you liked reading it!

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