A wound.

436 8 1

TW; Gore, blood

Purpled felt the unfamiliar feeling of a sword in his side, blood seeping through his purple hoodie, turning it a mix of purple and red. His antennas flicked in pain, his violet eyes widening. He gagged as blood seeped out his mouth. His left eyes sclera was black, cyan freckles covering his face and body. The boy's hair was platinum blonde, swiping to the side above his eyebrow. Purpled was lightheaded, the smell of blood overwhelming him. This was the last person. He swung his sword at their neck, slashing it. They died, and quick. Purpled fell over, clenching his side. It was a deep and big wound, it wasn't deep enough to reach his insides but enough to make it bleed like hell. He didn't make a noise, didn't even cry. Purpled closed his eyes, and maybe. Just maybe, someone will care and he'll survive.

He felt a dog licking his face, opening his eyes slowly. Purpled was met by his dog, DogChamp. He smiled and kissed his nose, DogChamp barking happily. He laughed softly, before feeling a spike of pain through his body. Purpled groaned in pain, he was in his bed. His wound was bandaged and painkillers with a glass of water was on the nightstand. DogChamp jumped off the bed and walked away. Purpled wondered who put him here, his question being answered by a bright blonde haired boy running next to him and half-hugging him. Bright blue eyes and a green hoodie with leggings. Tommy, a close friend.

Purpled gave a hug back. He bit his tongue hard at the pain from the movement. Tommy let go of him, happiness evident in the boy with a smile. Purpled tried to give back the same happiness, but ended up wincing instead. "Oh, shit- Well, good morning Purp. But uh-" The blonde said, before turning around and grabbing the water and painkillers. He gave them to Purpled, "There you go" Tommy said. Purpled eyed the pills, they were just some regular ones. He put the pill in his mouth and drank some water with ease. Purpled gave the water back to Tommy.

Tommy put it back on the nightstand. Purpled eyed the bed, then very slowly tried sitting up. Tommy turned around, yelping. "Dude! Lay down, fucking dumbass!" He said with a louder tone. Purpled stopped for a second, glaring at the blonde before getting up more. Tommy screeched, but didn't do anything to stop him. Purpled could feel the bandages dapen, blood seeping in from his wound. His only reaction was clenching the bedsheets between his hands, trying to ease the pain. Purpled, set his feet on the ground, sighing. Tommy was watching with his jaw hanging open. He gave a soft, reassuring smile. Purpled pulled off his shirt, which was sticky with blood anyways. He hummed, looking at the bandaging. It was sloppy and obviously quickly done. Purpled smiled and shook his head, unwrapping them.

They went around his whole side since the wound was deep, and in his side. Purpled sighed, looking at the wound. It was gross, you could see tissue. He felt disgusted just looking at it. Tommy verbally gagged, shaking his head. The alien boy looked to the blonde "Can I have the bandages? And maybe some water with a towel?" Purpled asked. Tommy nodded his head rapidly before rushing out of the room to grab it. The other was just staring at the wound. He'd have to clean it, he didn't know if the sword was cleaned or not. After that he'd have to put pressure on it until it completely stopped bleeding. Finally, he'd have to properly bandage it. Purpled got lucky that Tommy found him, and it seemed fairly quick. But he had to heal as fast as he could. Tommy stumbled back in the room, smiling. He had a plate of food, obviously for both of them as it was slightly larger and the two forks.

DogChamp walked in. The dog was big, a wolf hybrid of some sorts. He had gray and white fur with blue eyes. With a purple collar and a tag, saying where to return him if lost or hurt. The dog was strong and had sharp teeth. Purpled thought he'd be fine without a tag, but couldn't deny it when one was gifted to him. Tommy gave him the plate, and Purpled just held it. Then Tommy walked out again, coming in quickly with bandages, a big glass of water, and a black hand towel. He gave the food back to Tommy, and Tommy gave him his stuff.

Purpled gave a smile as a thanks. He grabbed the towel and gently pushed it against the wound. It was bleeding profusely and needed to stop. Tommy sat next to Purpled carefully, closing his eyes. The blonde felt the need to help, but couldn't, so he resorted to trying to comfort him. Purpled appreciated it greatly. He pushed harder, feeling under his fingers that the cloth was already damp.

Purpled groaned in pain before biting his tongue again.It wasn't long before his tongue started bleeding from how hard he was biting. Tommy grabbed his other hand, holding it. Purpled squeezed the hand, trying to do anything to relieve the pain. He had tears spilling down his eyes, and barely noticed. It hurt. It hurt alot. It took 15 minutes of that excruciating pain before Purpled decided to stop. He set the cloth to the side, watching the wound. There wasn't any blood seeping out anymore. He sighed, looking at Tommy. "I know you don't like gore, but can you make sure it isn't infected? If you see anything even a little bit weird, describe it to me." Purpled instructed weakly, letting out a wobbly sigh. Tommy nodded quickly, eager to help.

Although, blood and gore did freak him out a lot. He needed to handle it, just for a little bit. Tommy set down the plate on the nightstand, deciding they could eat together later. Tommy crouched down on the floor, looking at the wound. He inspected every centimeter of it slowly. Tommy spoke out when he found odd colored things, but none of them caused concern to Purpled. So Tommy didnt worry. After about 20 minutes of Tommy looking at the wound carefully, Purpled instructed him what to do with kind words.

It was mostly Tommy having to press the wet towel to it for a while, or picking something out carefully. He didn't mind all that much, Purpled needed to be taken care of. Tommy stands up, finally done with the wound. He watches as Purpled wraps the bandages tightly. Tommy sighed, looking at the violet eyes focused on the wound. It's been forever since they've actually hung out. Purpleds gaze flickered up to Tommy. "You need something?" He asked with a amused tone, which made Tommy snap back to reality. He huffed and flipped off Purpled, rolling his eyes.

Purpled chuckled, then finished up his bandages. He sighed, grabbing his hoodie and putting it on. Purpled carefully stood up, looking at the ground. "I apologize for using so much of your kindness, Tom. I can probably leave within a few hours, or right now." He said bluntly, looking at the blonde. Tommy froze up, how could Purpled possibly think he was doing anything wrong?

"Dude! What- no. You're not doing anything wrong, stupid." He said with a genuine, yet amused tone. Purpled just nodded, smiling. The alien glanced around the room, spotting the food still there. It was most likely cold, so Purpled picked it up. Starting to limp towards the stairs to go downstairs, wincing as he walked. Tommy stopped him as soon as he realized he was trying to go downstairs.

"Wha-?! What are you doing, idiot!" He said, grabbing Purpled by the wrist before he fell, snatching the plate too and setting it down. Purpled scowled, glaring at Tommy. The blonde had to admit, the other was terrifying when needs be, but he had to keep the alien safe. Tommy huffed, dragging him back into the room. Purpled didn't move a inch, standing his ground.

Purpled had a dangerous look to him, clenching his fists. Tommy didn't back down though, not taking the obvious hints. The alien grabbed Tommy's ankle swiftly, tipping him over and making him let go. Tommy screeched, looking up at Purpled. "What the fuck dude!" The blonde screamed.

Purpled looked around and walked into a bathroom. Tommy clenched his jaw, what was his problem?! He stood up, following him. The blonde found Purpled curcled up in the tub, asleep. He rolled his eyes, how is the tub remotely comfortable? Tommy left the room, knowing he can't carry Purpled.

He came back in the room with a blanket and pillow, setting the pillow under his head carefully and the blanket on top of him. Tommy sighed, shaking his head while smiling. The blonde shut off the light and walked off, leaving the door open.

What a actual dumbass.


Words; 1505


I've been thinking about rewriting some cringe chapters. Idk, we'll see.



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