Chapter One

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Cari's POV

"Hey! It's Fletcher!" I hear someone yell as I walk into Taylor Swift's house, which is crowded with tons of people. It's her birthday party and somehow, I was invited, and there's no way you decline coming to Taylor Swift's birthday party. We have never actually had the chance to meet before, but I've always loved her work, and maybe tonight is my night to finally meet her.

"Hey!" I say, seeing Selena Gomez, we have met a couple times throughout the years, and she's a great girl to talk with. She has always told me that I need to meet Taylor, and I am almost positive she is the real reason Taylor sent me an invitation for tonight.

"How have you been?!" Selena shouts over the loud music playing in the background, before embracing me in a tight hug. I can smell the alcohol on her breath, and I know I need to catch up. It seems as if everyone who is here is already drunk.

"I've been good! How about yourself?" I ask her, smiling. She is wearing a beautiful red skintight dress, and it matches her skin tone and dark hair perfectly.

"So good!" She replies smiling, seeming to take in my appearance as well. I chose to go with a small shirt, no bra, and shorts, not knowing how to really dress for this type of party, "You look hot, Cari! I can't wait for you to finally meet Tay!" She exclaims, still shouting over the music.

"Where are the drinks?!" I shout back to her, trying to get drunk myself. She grabs my hand, leading me towards the bar and grabbing me a beer to start off with, I thank her with a smile.

"I'm going to try and find Taylor! Go socialize!" She yells, and I nod, listening to her. I walk around Taylor's house, looking at everything. Her style is elegant, and beautiful. She has a beautiful house. I occasionally run into other people that I know, surprised that I know so many of the individuals here. Apparently, Taylor and I have a lot of friends in common, but somehow have never had the chance to talk or meet. 

I can't help but look around for the 5'10" blonde, excited to finally meet her. My eyes are constantly searching the different rooms for her, but never finding her. I can't seem to find Selena either, this place is overcrowded, and kind of intimidating. 

Eventually I do spot Taylor, but she is talking with many different people, and I decide it's best to wait until she's not completely surrounded. It is her birthday after all, of course everyone is going to be up her ass, I can't expect her to have any alone time for me to introduce myself.

I finish my beer, making my way back to the bar, losing my sight of Taylor. I ask the bar tender for a shot, taking it quickly, before ordering another beer. Selena sits down next to me, ordering two shots, giving me one, once the bar tender hands them over.

"Cheers!" Selena shouts, clinking our shot glasses against each other, both of us downing them easily, and I am definitely starting to feel a buzz, finally. After a couple more shots, Selena gets up, ready to go dance. I order another beer and I wave to her as she walks away. I look to my right, noticing someone take the stool next to me, my beer being placed in front of me.

"Hey, I've been looking for you all night, I thought you didn't make it," I hear the blonde say, smiling to me as the bartender hands her a drink. I'm stunned for a second. Taylor is sitting right next to me, telling me she was looking for me all night as well. Why do I suddenly feel frozen?

"I've been looking for you too, but you've been crazy busy," I smile to her, finally being able to choke some words out. I start taking in her appearance. Her red lipstick, her black, low-cut dress. She is stunning in person, "It's about time we finally get to meet," I whisper in awe, seeing her heart-stopping smile.

Carolina Knows (FLETCHER Taylor Swift) Cari Fletcher girlxgirl gxg Gaylor CaylorWhere stories live. Discover now