Chapter Ten

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Taylor's POV

I open my eyes, due to the light pouring in from my blinds. Joe is asleep next to me, he spent the night after showing up late yesterday, trying to apologize for everything, and accepted my excuse for why I kissed Cari.

I check my phone, seeing it's 7AM, and I have a missed call and a voice mail from Cari, which instantly piques my interest. I sneakily get out of bed, going outside to listen to it privately. My hands are sweating, and I'm nervously shaking. I called her yesterday, trying to explain things and she didn't say a word. I have no clue how good or how bad this voicemail is about to be. I feel my heart racing as I push the play button, holding the phone to my ear.

"Uhm- H-hi Taylor," I hear her sweet voice, her words kind of slurred. Is she drunk?  "I'm sorry I didn't say anything on the phone earlier, I didn't know what to say. I am super drunk right now," Okay yes, she is drunk, " and I know I'm going to regret saying this, but I was really falling for you, and I had such high hopes that maybe you were falling for me too. I hope you don't regret what we did, because I don't. The hurt is so worth the time I spent with you and the things we did. I really fucking miss you. I really fucking like you. Fuck, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that," the voicemail ends. I play it again, and again, taking in every word.

I sit down on one of my garden chairs, continuing to replay the message over and over. She was falling for me? She likes me? She misses me? What do I do? Do I text her? My mind is completely scattered, trying to take all her words in.

I can't respond. I can't. It'll just hurt her more, that's all I've been doing to her, and I need to quit. Selena told me yesterday how horrible she is doing, and it's all because of me. I have to leave her alone. I have to let her be. 

"Babe? What are you doing out here?" I hear Joe's sleepy voice, opening the sliding glass door to my backyard. He is looking to me confused, "it's like 7:45 in the morning," he grumbles. Have I really been out here for 45 minutes, listening to Cari's voicemail on repeat?

"I just needed some fresh air, sorry," I say, standing up to go inside.

"I made coffee," he smiles to me, handing me a cup full of coffee. I take a sip of the hot liquid, which is instantly warming up my insides.

"Thank you," I smile to him out of politeness. I wish I could be my true self around him, but I can't. I hate it. It's so uncomfortable having him here.

"Are you excited for that party thing today?" Joe asks, seemingly excited. We are expected to show up together, and I know damn well that Fletcher is going to be there, and I don't know how to act.

"Yeah, it should be a lot of fun, I should actually start getting ready," I say, dismissing myself from the table. 

I check my phone, seeing a text from Cari.

Cari: Hey Taylor, sorry about that message last night. I completely understand if you no longer want to talk to me

God, it breaks my heart to leave her on read. I know it's going to hurt her too. Fuck.

I take a really long shower, thinking about how hard it is going to be to see her tonight. I know she's going to look beautiful. She is going to be the only thing I can look at the entire time, and I don't know how I'm going to handle this.

Then of course, she is going to see me with Joe. I don't want her to see me with him. I know she doesn't want to see me with him. This is going to be hell; this is going to be torture. The girl that I want, the girl that I need, the girl that I like; I can't even talk to. I only hurt her, and I only hurt myself. Tonight, is going to suck. 

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