Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cari's POV

"Tay, are you ready? Let's go!" I yell up the stairs. We were supposed to leave for our date 20 minutes ago, and she is taking forever. I even had time to go get everything for a picnic, and she is still not ready.

"I'm coming!" I hear her voice ring loudly through the house as she yells back to me, yet I still do not see her or hear her footprints walking down the stairs.

"When?" I yell back jokingly, and I finally hear her walk towards the stairs, and down them. 

"Shut up," she says once she reaches me. I can't help but laugh and plant a quick kiss to her lips. 

"You were taking forever," I say back to her. She is putting on her shoes now, and I wait by her front door.

"I could have taken even longer, if you like?" She jokes, finishing lacing up her shoes and walking over to me.

"You're already down here, we might as well go," I stick my tongue out to her before we open the door and walk out towards my car. I get in the driver's seat after helping her get into the passengers.

"So, where are we going?" She looks over to me with a smile as she asks.

"Remember when I took you up to that bench, on that hike?" I look back to her, starting the vehicle.

"Of course, it's one of your special places," she nods, smiling excitedly. This really warms my heart; I can't believe she remembers. 

"Well, I thought we could just go up there, and have a picnic. It will be pretty private, but that is what we are going for," I smile before driving away from her house and to our destination. She has a huge smile on her face, and nothing is wiping it off anytime soon. 

"Why are you smiling?" I ask her, curiously.

"Well, first of all, we are going on a date," she giggles at the obvious, "second, you're taking me somewhere special to you, like you thought this whole thing through," she is still smiling to herself. I reach over and grab her hand in mine, interlacing our fingers easily.

"Well, I'm not going to ask the Taylor Swift on a date, and not be prepared," I laugh, thinking she's crazy. Why wouldn't I plan something for this? I've been wanting to take her on an official date up there for forever. I was always nervous to ask, or we weren't on speaking terms, or she just was in New York. It never worked out, and now I finally can.

"It's just really sweet," she comments the smile never leaving her face, "taking me somewhere that is private and special to you, to share it with me, that's really sweet of you. I couldn't get over it the first time you showed me," I smile back to her, and bring her hand that I am holding to my lips, kissing it softly. Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, which only makes my smile bigger. 

Are we actually going to make this work? It really seems like we are both just as into each other. We both seem happy, and open. I decided I really want this with Taylor, even if we are just seeing how it goes. Everything involving her includes a rush. There aren't words to explain the happiness I feel in my chest, or the butterflies in my stomach, when I'm with her. It's just so thrilling, exciting, and exhilarating. I never felt this way with anyone before, and I don't want to lose it.

Keeping things between us a secret for a while doesn't sound all that bad to me anymore. I kind of like how private everything is. Everything between us is only between us, it's the best secret I've ever kept. I wouldn't mind keeping it longer.

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