Chapter Twenty-Four

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Taylor's POV

"I'll see you soon?" She asks me, wrapping her arms around me after I place my bag on the floor next to her front door. 

After our date yesterday, we went back to her place so I can get my bag, and stay where I was meant to stay while I was in LA. Our date was perfect, she did everything no one else has done for me. She made me feel special and wanted. 

"Very soon," I reply, hugging her tightly, "when are you free next?" I decide to ask her, so I can form my schedule around hers. My schedule right now is way more flexible than her shows are. 

"I have quite a few shows coming up, just around," she starts explaining, never letting go of me, "but I promise to let you know where I am at, and when I have a few days off," she says sweetly, kissing my cheek, but not releasing me from her hold just yet. 

"Thank you," I look to her now, a smile present on my face. I can't help but get lost in her eyes, it's almost intoxicating; the feeling I get when looking into them, "I'll see you soon," I finish, reminding her that I have to leave. I actually had to leave almost an hour ago, but it's hard when I am caught up.

"Very soon," she adds before leaning in to kiss my lips. I kiss her back with no hesitation, never getting sick of the feeling of her lips pressed against mine. We kiss deeply, not knowing how much a single kiss could hold.

"Bye," I say once we part, letting go of her, and picking up my bag. I know she probably has to leave soon as well; she does have a bunch of shows she is performing at.

"Bye Tay," she replies, walking towards me to plant one last kiss to my lips, which I accept. She opens the door for me afterwards, letting me out, and waving as I walk away. I make my way to my driver, he grabs my bags, placing them in the trunk of the car while I find my place in the backseat. Cari is still standing in her doorway with the door wide open. I roll down my window, waving to her. She waves back as the car drives away, and the last thing I see of her is the huge smile on her face.

Maybe this is going to work out, maybe we really are meant to be something. We both seem to be in this whole-heartedly. She doesn't seem to care about having to wait anymore. I'm wondering if I should just say fuck it and be with her now. 


"So, are you guys like, together?" Selena asks me. Once I finally got home, after the flight and the meetings, I decided it was time to finally call Selena and let her in on everything that happened with Cari.

"Kind of? Not like officially, but we are only seeing each other," I try to explain the situation, "it's exclusive," I shrug, not really knowing how exactly to explain it, but trying my best. Cari and I understand, and that's what really matters.

"Do you want it to be official? You can't stop talking about her," Selena laughs, and I realize we have been on the phone for over an hour and the only topic we have talked about is Cari. I laugh along with her at my realization.

"I think I do; I just don't want it to be complicated," I sigh, knowing I am going to have to have Tree write up an NDA, and have that talk with Cari. It's never a pleasant one, but it always has to happen. I know I am going to have to tell Tree about Cari, and I think I am even more worried about that. She was unhappy with the Karlie situation, which almost got out, and she is not going to be happy that I am going to be coming out if Cari and I become official.

"Tay, it's always going to be complicated, have you even told Tree yet?" She asks, all while reminding me of the lifestyle that I am forced to live.

"...No," I say quietly, knowing I should've told her the second Cari and I first met at my birthday party. Of course, she has questioned me about her, especially after Cari released girls girls girls,  but I am so used to denying rumors, that I didn't think twice about it.

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