Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Cari's POV

"What are you up to?" I ask into the phone, plopping down on my couch with a bag of Dorito's.

"Nothing," she replies, her voice almost monotone. It's been about a month since we have last seen each other, when I was in New York, and everyday Taylor seems to be getting more distant with me. I can't seem to figure out why.

"Babe?" I ask her, trying to keep my voice calm and sweet. I know something is bothering her, but she won't talk to me about it. Selena has noticed it as well, but Taylor won't tell her either. 

"Hmm?" She hums, questioningly. She has been very short when we talk on the phone, or whenever we text, I can't seem to bring her out of her thoughts. I press the FaceTime button, knowing that she will answer.

She answers the FaceTime request, her face appearing on the screen. She seems to just be laying in her bed, all cozied up, her hair up in a messy bun, a gray T-shirt on. 

"What's been bugging you?" I decide to try and be as forward as possible, really wanting to be here for her. I am her girlfriend after all, I should be the one she comes to, I should be the one there for her.

"Nothing, Car," she brushes it off, waving her hand as if she is perfectly fine.

"I love you," I sigh, looking into her blue eyes through the screen, "you know I am here if you want to talk," I try to remind her. This is how our nightly calls have been going lately though, the conversation never changing much. I figure that she will want to talk when she is ready, and that I can't force her to tell me anything.

"I love you too," she says back, looking into my eyes as well, "I know you're here," her voice changes slightly, sounding almost sad now. Within the last month, I haven't been able to detect any type of emotion when I would bring this up, this is the first time.

"Please talk to me," I plead, hoping that maybe tonight is the night she opens up.

"I am talking to you," she jokes, trying to change the subject. I guess tonight isn't the night.

"Shut up, Tay," I reply, rolling my eyes. This makes her giggle, and I giggle along.

"I miss you," she says, never taking her eyes off of the screen, I know she is giving me her full attention.

"I miss you too, baby," I reply, sadness overwhelming me now. I really do miss her, maybe that's why she's been so upset lately? It's hard doing this long-distance thing, and I know it takes a toll on her. 

"I'm going to fall asleep," she yawns, rubbing her eyes. It's 9PM here, so I know it's midnight there, I feel horrible always keeping her up like this.

"Then go to sleep, weirdo," I giggle, "I love you," I remind her once more.

"I love you," she murmurs, half asleep already. I mute my end of the call, so I don't make any noises that will wake her. 

I am going to go to New York. Tonight. I can't take how sad she has been lately, I can't handle the distance any longer, and I am positive she can't either. Maybe if I am there in person, she will talk to me. She needs someone to be there, and that someone should be me. I quickly make my way to my room, throwing clothes into my suitcase, along with the essentials. 

I know I shouldn't be leaving LA right now, that I have a ton of meetings and interviews to attend this upcoming week, but work can wait, my girlfriend needs me. I need her.


It's almost 6:30AM in New York when I arrive to Taylor's house. I know she is in bed asleep right now, but her security never rests, and I know that they will let me in without any question. I get out of the taxi, grabbing my suitcase and walking towards her front door. One of the guards notice me, smiling to me, before opening up her front door, allowing me to enter.

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