Chapter Twelve

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Cari's POV


"Sooooo, what? What's up?" I say, giggling into my phone. I woke up about an hour ago, took a shower, and ate some toast. I was about to turn on the TV, just to relax for the day when my phone rang. It's Taylor, of course. I know she's still in LA, and I was waiting for her to text or call.

We ended last night on great terms. We decided to be friends, and I am choosing to trust her a little more, especially since I've seen the articles on her and Joe's break up. I can't help but think that she really does want me and care for me. She flew all the way to LA just to tell me in person and explain herself.

I think I'm going to hold a grudge on the fact that I received nothing but silence for three months, though I wish I could forget about it. I understand why she did that now, but it still sucked. I had a really hard time for three months, and it hurts to even think about what she put me through. I do think she was worth the pain, all the good things outweighed the heart break, but I'm still extremely cautious of things with her.

Then there's the fact that if I want to be with her, we have to hide it. It's hard to hide something like a relationship when Taylor is followed everywhere she goes. We would constantly have to pretend to be friends, and I really am not sure I can handle it. I don't know, maybe the good times with her would be worth that wait as well. 

For now, I am choosing to just think about it and be friends with her. Maybe it'll lead into something more, maybe it won't. I don't know if I want it to, but I also think I might be heartbroken if we don't end up together after everything we have already gone through.

She even agreed to give me time, which is something that most people don't get the chance at. It's usually now or never, but she respects my feelings, she respects my heart, and she respects my words. That is something no one else would have done for me. I know she's going to be here once I get things figured out in my own head.

"Sooooo, are you busy?" She asks me, bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Are you wanting to hang out?" I say, knowing she was going to beat around the bush.

"Please," she says, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"I'll come pick you up in 10, okay?" I say, smiling, even though I know she can't see me.

"Okay!" She ends the phone call, and I grab my keys, heading to my car. It's the small things with her that really make me want something. Just the way she talks with me, how caring and down to Earth she truly is, it makes me miss what we had, but I know it's too soon for myself to just give in.

I make my way to Taylor's LA home, pulling into her driveway. I see her already standing outside, impatiently with a giant smile on her face, allowing me to see all her teeth. She is a beautiful woman. She's wearing jean shorts and a simple band T-shirt, yet I'm still breathless from the way she looks. Her hair always falls perfectly, her eyes always an ocean blue color, her lips always painted red. 

"Hey!" She says, getting into my passenger seat, a huge smile present on her face, making my heart flutter. I really missed the sound of her voice, and I really missed her presence. 

"Hey, are you ready?" I ask, smiling back at her, watching her fight with her seatbelt. 

"Ready for anything, let's go!" She's really excited. I can't hide the fact that I am too. We haven't gotten to hang out like this really, and I'm so hyped for the day.

"Coffee first?" I look to her, asking, though I know her answer.

"Yes, yes, yes," she says, jumping up and down in her seat. She is radiating sunshine right now, and my heart feels warm again. It feels whole again.

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