Chapter Nineteen

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Taylor's POV

"Ready, Tay?" I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind me, slightly tracing fingers along the material of my black dress. I lean into her, reveling in this feeling. We are about to head to the party she mentioned yesterday. 

We haven't discussed anything about our relationship status still, both of us hesitant to bring it up, I think. We have been very touchy and flirty the entire time I've been here, which has been amazing. I crave her lingering touches, and stolen glances. She drives me crazy.

We haven't kissed yet though, which for some reason makes me feel disappointed and thrown off. The last time we saw each other we made out before she left, and now I haven't even received a kiss on my cheek from her. I haven't made any moves to do so either, but it's been weird. I have a weird feeling about it.

"I'm ready," I respond back to her, realizing we are late for the party. She removes her arms from around me, choosing to grab my hand and lead me to my driver's car outside, opening the car door for me. I thank her silently, climbing in the back seat, and she sits down, right next to me. Our fingers stay interlocked and are placed in my lap.

"You look beautiful," I hear her whisper to me, as if it's a secret that only we will ever know. I can't help the pink tint that forms on my cheeks, though I don't think she can see it due to the darkness of the night.

"You look even better," I turn to her, smiling like I always do when we are around each other. I see her smile back, showing her white teeth as always. I'll never get sick of seeing her smile.

"Shut up," she says, jokingly, not letting go of my hand. This would've been a perfect time for us to kiss, but neither of us has made the move yet. I decided that since I made the choice of flying across the country to see her, she can make the choice of kissing me. It's obvious we both want to, I just don't understand why she doesn't, and I'm beginning to get frustrated. I won't let it show, but frustration is definitely building up.

"Are you singing at this party?" I ask her, truly curious. I would love to hear her sing again.

"I am, but it's one of my old songs, I don't think you'll be too interested in it," she brushes it off, shrugging.

"I'll always watch you sing," I say in reassurance. I feel her hand squeeze mine three times, and I squeeze hers back in the same pattern.

"We have arrived," she says, looking out the window. There is a huge building, it looks like a giant bar, definitely a place for a party. It seems very professional, the people guarding the doors only letting select people in.

We get out of the car, still hand in hand, which brings me comfort. We walk up to the men who guard the door.

"Name?" One of them says flatly, not even looking up to us.

"Fletcher and Taylor Swift," she says from beside me, the guy looking up quickly.

"Oh, my bad, I'm sorry. So many people have been trying to get in, and it's dark," the man tries to explain his rudeness to us, obviously knowing who we are.

"It's fine, may we go in?" I ask the men, they both nod, moving out of the way and opening the door for us to enter the building. It's huge inside. Lights everywhere, a giant dance floor, a bar that takes up one full side of the room, a stage, and hundreds of people. Of course, I am used to these things, always having to go to them, though it's different when it's not for you, and you don't know many people here.

"Drinks?" Cari asks from besides me, looking up to meet my eyes. I nod quickly, knowing I am definitely going to need a few. She leads me to the bar by holding my hand, where there are a few open stools. We sit next to each other, and she orders drinks for us both.

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