Chapter Fifteen

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Cari's POV

"Good morning," I hear Taylor's raspy voice whisper in my ear, as if she just woke up as well. I am on my back, while she lays on her side, facing me. Her arm is resting across my waist, while mine is under her body, wrapped around her, our legs intertwined. I don't know how we ended up in this position, but I hope it never ends.

"Good morning," I reply, smiling. I really like waking up to her. I know my voice is probably sounding just as sleepy as hers.

"I'll go make some coffee while you wake up a bit more," she tells me, untangling our bodies and climbing out of bed. I watch her walk through her door, leaving it open, and hear her footsteps descend down the stairs.

I sit up, already missing her warmth. I search around a bit for my phone, eventually finding it underneath all the blankets. It's already 11AM, we slept in quite late, and I know I am feeling more confused than ever. I decide to dial Selena while I am alone.

"Hello?" She answers on the second ring.

"Hey Sel," I say, knowing I sound nervous.

"Did you end up calling Taylor? Is she alright? Should I head over there?" She floods me with questions.

"I ended up catching a flight to New York, I stayed at her house last night. Well, I am still here, but she is okay now," I say, trying to fill her in on what happened last night after she called me.

"You stayed the night? So...." She trails off, expecting me to finish her sentence.

"No Sel, it was just friendly. Though, I am more confused than ever, and I don't know what to do exactly, I don't know who else to talk to," I say, keeping my voice low, just in case Taylor's walls are thin.

"Do you like her?"

"I don't think I ever stopped, at this point I think I'm falling for her," I admit out loud for the first time to both myself and Selena.

"Then what's the issue?" She asks, clearly confused.

"Do you think she is even going to be ready for something after Joe screaming at her like that? Or Karlie cheating on her? What if she stops talking to me again, what if-"

"-Woah, Cari, stop. You think too much. If Tay ever tried to pull that shit again, I'd get involved, don't worry. Though, I doubt she will," she interrupts all my bad thoughts, "Just try to casually talk about things with her, see if she wants something," Selena continues, "you're right, she has had horrible experiences with relationships, and is known for running, but if you are falling in love with her, don't deprive yourself of that. You deserve love, and so does she," she finishes her little rant, right when I hear Taylor's footsteps coming back up the stairs.

"You're right," I admit, "I gotta go though, I'll talk to you later," I say quickly, knowing Taylor will be in the room any second now.

"Bye," she replies, and I end the phone call, putting my phone down onto the bed, just in time for Taylor to walk in, holding a mug full of coffee.

"Get out of bed, lazy ass, it's like 11:15," she smiles at me, giggling while she talks. I stand up, walking over to her, "here," she says, extending the cup to me.

"Thank you," I smile to her, grateful. 

"Come join me downstairs," she says, walking out of the room, and I follow her downstairs, then into the dining room, taking a seat to sip on her coffee. I sit down as well, across from her.

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