Chapter Seven

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Taylor's POV

"Let's go in here!" Selena yells, pointing at a clothing store. Her and Cara showed up at my house this morning, demanding that I go to the mall with them. I didn't really have a choice, so here we are, following Selena into the third clothing store we've come across today.

I'm not very excited to be here, I hate going in public, but so far it hasn't been horrible. Only have seen a couple paps, and I got to talk with some fans, so it's been cheering me up, actually. As we walk down different aisles of clothes, I spot familiar wavy reddish-blonde hair. Very familiar. Wait, is that Fletcher? There's no way, I thought she was travelling. She would've told me if she was in New York? We were literally on FaceTime last night. I keep looking, waiting for the girl to turn around so I can know for sure. It seems as if Cara and Selena noticed me staring at this woman.

"Dude, is that Fletcher?" Cara practically shouts, following my line of vision, making the girl turn towards us. Holy shit, it's her. I haven't seen her since Joe showed up at my Rhode Island home.

"Hey girls!" She says, flashing her beautiful smile. I can't help myself from almost running over there. I hug her tightly. I feel her arms wrap around me, just as tightly. It feels so nice to have her in my arms again, I forgot just how much I missed her.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in town?" I whisper to her, still holding her tightly, I don't want to ever let go of her.

"Well, I was going to surprise you, but I guess that's ruined," she whispers back to me, giggling. She is hugging me just as tightly still. I kiss her cheek sweetly, letting go of her so Selena and Cara can greet her as well.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Selena asks her, clearly excited to see her again. I know they've always been really close. It's super cool that I get to be close with Cari now as well.

"Travelling, doing some shows here and there," she says nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.

"And you weren't going to tell us you were in town?!" Cara yells, "What the fuck!" She holds her hand over her heart, pretending to be hurt.

"I was! It was going to be a surprise!" She puts her hands up in defense, all of us laughing along with her. Cari and Cara start to get lost in conversation, and I feel Selena's eyes burning holes through my skin.

"What?" I ask, looking towards her, if looks could kill, I would be a goner.

"Is it her? Is that your choice?" She whispers, making sure no one can hear us. I look at Cari, longingly. I think it is her. I think she is my choice. Seeing her again just made all of my feelings for her wash over me. I think I want it to be her, I think I could be with her. I think I want to be with her.

"Sel, I really think so," I admit, "now distract Cara so I can talk to her, please," I plead, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. I really need to talk to Cari alone.

"Cara! Look! Do you think this would look good on me?" Selena holds up a very sexy, black lingerie set, and Cara immediately follows her to the dressing rooms. I thank Selena silently, with a smile.

"Hey," I say, looking to Cari, a shy smile present on my face. I don't know why I suddenly feel so nervous.

"Hey back," she says smoothly, a smirk plastered on her lips. She knows I am nervous, and she is thriving in it.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask, twiddling my fingers, looking down to them. I don't know why I feel like this right now, I have never been this nervous around her. 

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