seventeen: they scheme over an unexpected dinner

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muichiro stops hopping along the rocks at the creek. hikari stands alone on one, gazing at a chirping cricket with gentle eyes.

"weird? why would i think that? you're awesome!"

hikari smiles and turns back to muichiro.

"don't worry about it."


muichiro awakes, instantly reaching for the paper, pen, and ink beside him.

dream 803:

she asked something again. i couldn't hear, but i said something back. she smiled and shook her head. it felt like there were rocks under my feet or something. it was also wet.

she looked pretty.

"mui-chan? how did you sleep?" hikari asks as she opens the door, hiding in the hallway.


"what did you dream about? was it a good dream?"

muichiro sighs.

"i forgot." he lies.

"oh well." hikari sighs. "would you like breakfast?"


muichiro rises from his futon. he tiredly wipes his eyes, yawning as he follows hikari into the kitchen.

"i think i'm gonna train today." muichiro says as hikari pours him tea.

"okay then. i will be sitting on the engawa for moral support!"


hikari happily brushed her hair as she watched muichiro vigorously train in the yard. the sun beat down on his skin, which glistened with sweat. he panted heavily as he swung his sword, moving his body in inhumane waves as he sharpened his swordsman skills.

hikari hears a knock at the door.

"mui-chan? did you plan to have company?" hikari calls out

muichiro stops moving, and turns to hikari in confusion. he hops onto the engawa and walks through the house, hikari trailing right behind him.

he opens the door, and groans loudly.

"hey, kid!" uzui smiles widely. "kanroji-san said dinner was at your place! so here we are!"

muichiro stares at uzui, and the wives poke out from behind him. muichiro turns to hikari in utter bafflement, more emotion on his face than hikari had ever seen.

"did-did you set this up?!" he asks, his voice cracking. hikari doesn't break eye contact with uzui as she hides behind muichiro.

"n-no! your co-workers scare me too much." she meekly says. muichiro turns back to uzui.

"who the hell else is-"

hikarunara || muichiro toxito x ocWhere stories live. Discover now