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George passed out on the floor. Nobody really heard the thud of his body collapsing, but Dream started to get worried. After a few minutes Dream knocked on the bathroom door.

"George are you in there?" No answer."George are you okay?" Still no answer. Dream was getting worried "George answer me! Please?" Nothing. Dream tried opening the door. No luck he realized George probably locked himself in.

He walked away from the door and ran into it. The door started breaking a bit. Dream ran into the door again and again and again. There was a hole in the door now due to Dream. He looked through the hole seeing George's body laying still on the ground. His back turned to the door. Dream reached his arm to the lock of the door from the inside immediately opening it. He ran towards George seeing his arms. He grabbed George by the shoulders shaking him.

"GEORGE! GEORGE! WAKE UP PLEASE" Dream started crying. "SAPNAP!" Sapnap heard his name being called worry taking over his body.

He ran up to Dream and saw George on the floor. "SAPNAP GO GET THE MEDICAL KIT! HURRY" Sapnap ran to the kitchen grabbing the medical kit from the top shelf and ran back to Dream. He threw the kit to Dream not really knowing how to help.

Dream opened the kit getting out some cloths pressuring the cuts on George's arm. He threw the cloths in the bin seeing the blade that George had threw away.

He grabbed clean cloths placing them on George's arms wrapping it tightly with bandages. "Sapnap grab a towel and put it on my bed." Sapnap did what Dream asked and helped carrying George to Dream's bed laying him down and throwing a blanket over him. Dream and Sapnap both really hurt not knowing why their friend did that and worried of if he will be ok.

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