chapter 8:

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Don't own anything

lex pov:

(Theme plays in the background)

Ichika: NANI? grounded

Lex: you didn't follow houki's orders & long carter's orders. Black is was targeting you for unknown reason, it came from Germany. Strider 3 & strider 4 got its attention until you got in the way risking you & rin's life. Your not military in is academy your a student just like her

Ichika: I had to do something

Lex: you live longer without playing hero

Ichika: dammit. Why of all people are you here for?

Destroyer: none of your business, because your here to learn to become an is pilot not to meddle with our operation

Ichika: I wanted to do something more


We glared at each other. Ichika sighed in defeat.

Lex: good boy. No one isn't angry with you where just worried it's our job to defend you. Playing a hero is a bad. Understand it's life on a line. I can tell where this is going on your point of view. However you got promise. The way you fought black is you got potential


Charlotte Dunois disguise as Charles meets strider 3 Apex predator. Houki enters my hanger greets me with a kiss.

Skyler: oh shit hey you two. Recent attack is spreading news

Lex: great now they want to know about super jets that they never seen before

Houki: countries are seeking you guys about it. Especially France Charlotte's family

Skyler: James's childhood friend?

Lex: yes. Disguising as a boy. Chifuyu trigger & mobius 1 are aware of this. Her father sent her here as a spy. That will not do

Skyler: good thing I didn't bring my mav here yet. Do you know how dangerous that can be. There power-hungry. Super jet that can curb stomp an is, Alcott blue tears got wrecked by x02 black is got torn by xfa 27; what's next your cfa 44 nosferatu or that upcoming f22 demon

Houki: nani?

Lex: talk about it. So lunch time

To be continued

Going to work later

ace combat 7: stratos rise & fall of GR guardian Completed Where stories live. Discover now