chapter 12: houkiXlex

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Inside the hanger at is academy. Lex's hanger, lex & houki watching the news on strangeral ace pilots doing air raid operations of destroying gr guardian bases & is enemy organizations.

The showed the face of milosz sulejmani.

lex sighed in anger & letting his pain go never wanting to take any revenge for own death, houki teacher of is academy top is ace " ruler of infinite stratos " looking at him

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lex sighed in anger & letting his pain go never wanting to take any revenge for own death, houki teacher of is academy top is ace " ruler of infinite stratos " looking at him. She feels that that he should take his own revenge for his death instead of others doing it for him.

Houki pov:

Houki: I am surprised you & I both knew each other since 4th grade before the belkan war started

Lex: yeah we both fought each other with kendo sticks. Your offered me to trained to defend myself against enemy belkan forces

Houki: then the 7 nuclear detonations occurred. I had to go back to my world my dimension in oured ocs during the early stages of the development of the titan's dimension device under secrecy. 

Lex: because your sister was developing is mechs that can be a threat to our world. Grey men GR guardian eursean radicals & consecutives would get their hands on them combine knowledge of super jets with infinite stratos

Houki: moving place to place separately from my parents. I became a is ace pilot ruler of is to take on white knight chifuyu, you became a pilot after the belkan war 3 years after. But Andre olivieri was gonna take everyone money wise since second continental war started. Ustio needed you join a black ops unit given you a callsign whiplash 1. Underdog ace. You skyler San & sulejmani fought gr guardian  ustio usean continentent. Your the world's first young ace to make that difference. You never wanted any spotlight. Several years later you went under radar

Lex: until I was hired to keep you away from public eye. But I didn't take the job seriously though. I saw you beating up kendo students we dated

Houki: (giggled) was it for pass time?

Lex: no, I missed you the most that's all

I clenched my fist so hard my hand started bleeding.

Houki: then you left me to complete your school work at Redmill osea. Rigel where to torture you & kill .... you hired by the enemy your sworn to kill even sulejmani wants view them as enemies but they offered him outstanding technology that they said your the biggest threat if you leaked their secrets for the coming Lighthouse war. Alicorn & ecm tech for mimic squad ..... you died . But now your like robocop coming back to life

He hugged me. I started crying.

Houki: I wanted nothing more of revenge. But I couldn't I left being the is ace. I hid away i could've saved .... that day where I went to That base to save you but I was too late. I didn't till the last minute. Cipher your old brother was pissed off. He found out your brought to life......

Lex: I'm sorry I really am. Nothing you can do at the time it was so sudden

Houki: I was in rage & violence not the true definition of strength. My dark side consumed me

Lex: ........

He squeeze me tider. Damn he so strong. Stronger than ichika. He look human despite of robo left arm & left side face being one the most advance osea technology that all of company's in my world want to get there hands on him.
I hugged him back.

Houki: lex kun please take revenge of your own death, I know your a very forgiving guy I loved. But you can't move on like that. I never seen you being angry. Your no robot. Your a machine with a heart. It's the only why you can find peace. Perhaps my world there is something here will keep you flying till you decided not to fly anymore

We separated the hug. I can tell he's having a spiritual warfare. He's never been angry all his life. Always has a smile on face he could be sad at times, like me he too doesn't know where his older brother is.

He turned & he kissed me on the lips I wrapped my arms around his neck. After that he walked collapsed on his knees, then he.


Houki: poor lex kun

Lex: if is see them again. Your right I will be the one taking revenge. But I'm no better then them. Not you. After this will you find me peace please?

Houki: yes I will I will. All you have to do is listen to my voice

To be continued:

Going to work.


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