chapter 15:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Houki & ichika's fight still continued. Mid air combat became intense ichika is going on the defense. " i thought my IS will bring it down but i didn't know that osea & ustio technology made akatsuki even more powerful. Houki i knew used have this prideful brash personality but very kind. She has changed because of him " he thought.

Felt her mech leg kicked him. Sending him to the ground he quickly recovered before avoiding homing red laser attack houki came down used her karaware to shoot out a cresent moon slash at him.

He avoided fast attack her hoping to catched off guard. Houki for her part deflect his wife attack with a shield then in return she sliced off his rifle cut his wing off.

(0:07 - 0:09 only)

She put amatsuki, back & used her other sword to still fight him.

Skyler: she's kicking his ass

Slaughterhouse: something's wrong with laura

Theme ends Epilogue:

Laura went awol again. Houki allowerd ichika to defeat laura. Lex landed patrol called off. Houki landed next her boyfriend. She changed back to her teacher clothes. He greeted her with a kiss.

Ichika: you have changed. Sorry i didn't kept your promise

Houki: its okay. I moved on

Ichika: but what can he offer you?

Lex: what's that supposed to mean?

Houki: nothing. Its best to keep negative comments to yourself. Take her to the infirmary


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