chapter 17:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Is students strider team are at the beach. Boomer putting suncreen on alcott's back. British sniper moaned in delight. Destroyer trigger vs two teachers houki & chifuyu.

(Song for the volly ball game)

(Song for the volly ball game)

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Houki: were gonna get creamed

Chifuyu: NOT TODAY

She start first. Trigger tossed it to destroyer & lex bashed it back to them houki catched it but it went passed her.

Chifuyu: DAMN. Forgot lex has a knuckle arm

Lex: hehehe

Maya: one point

Houki: alright that's it

Chifuyu: can't use your IS mech arm teacher regulations

Houki: kuso

They go for round 2 strider 6 pheonix & mobius 1 watching them.

Dunois: rin where's ichika?

Rin: he's spending time on his own told me he's training that's all i know.


Chifuyu: we lost

Houki: one of these days lex kun i will beat you

Trigger draws draws a line on Chifuyu's back with his finger she let a kya

Chifuyu: really in front of them

Trigger: no suncreen. Its almost 80 degrees. * grabs her hand * come with me

Chifuyu: maya san help me

Maya: nope. Girls & boys leave the area

houki: NOW. Your too young to see adult stuff

Trigger pov:

She layed on her stomach her bikini is off. She looked nervous & embarrassed. Now lets begin.


I begin to applying it very slowly rubbing her back. She moaned bit loud.

Chifuyu: dammit trigger your good at this

Trigger: 気持ちいいでしょちふゆ💗

We heard a moan we turned to destroyer doing the same with houki


Chifuyu: why you little

Houki: this is no competition white knight


Then turned over to me grabbed my hands placed on her bosoms. & there soft too soft.

Trigger: dafouq?

Chifuyu: self respected man deserves this

Houki: okay tramp i see what it is

She the did the same.

Houki: aren't they squishy?. You can

Then he sucked on her breasts. We jaw dropped. After that lex had biggest smile on face. Houki on the ground covering her mouth prevent her from screaming. Blushed face other arm covering her chest.

(0:22 - 0:26 only)

Lex: what?. Can a half android have his fill?. I'm not densed you know

Trigger: same here

Chifuyu: wait till we get home


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