volume 2 chapter 21:

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Don't own anything

author pov:


Strider 2 destroyer & houki shinonono spotted squall meusel. She pilots her is called golden dawn.

Houki & lex kissed each other

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Houki & lex kissed each other. He neural linked tabane catched him. Linked to his f22 demon & took off. Tabane placed his physical body inside her protective capsule.

(Theme starts playing in the background)

Other is pilots & strangeral pilots continued to fight gr guardian & phantom task.

Destroyer: here she comes

Golden dawn: " its a requiem. I seek endless war & destruction. That's why I i hired general resources limited to create an army. Combine might between fighter jet & infinite stratos. Making countries fighting each other so we phantom task announced to our world & theirs. "

Houki: just like grey men & lighthouse war

Destroyer: your not human aren't you?

She arrived. Landing on the golden gate bridge.

Squall: " i once was human just like you lex sapphire hills. Devil dog of the infinite stratos, i was killed but survived turned into a cyborg like you becoming a half android. Your very highly advanced than myself & modoka orimura. Because you can neural link to the f22 demon super raptor. You could've join us to learn from another. We have similar deaths "

Destroyer: screw you. Also i heard you & milosz have a relationship. That true?

Squall meusel blushed. Remember how they met. They too had their first kiss.

Golden: despite who he is & I never like that fact he took you away from the ruler of infinite stratos due to jealously & anger same for toya, oruma & Gaviria. He was a very good man treated me as a human being. I loved him alot

Akatsuki: then you will join him in 地獄. Its time

Tabane sending intel to houki. She made a thumbs up. Houki & squall charging at each other. Golden dawn is a 3rd generation is unit with energy close to long range combat capabilities.

Squall brought in extra weapons. Houki moved fast sliced her tail unit before she gets a chance on using it made her shocked how fast she is.

She flew up sniper shot came from Cecilia alcott, charlotte & kanzaki came close shooting her, rin got in close sliced her armor. 

Tatenashi & chifuyu fired their weapons. White knight of ruler of is custom got in close cut her as well damaging her shield, tabane summoned rocket battery firing at her.

Maya in her own is

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Maya in her own is. Called " show must go on " firing her twin machine guns.

Houki: your quite the entertainer. But the show is over with this next shot. Your not a bad IS pilot

Other phantom task top is aces got killed before during the san Francisco raid. Squall is the last one. Houki gave one last final blow to her.

Trigger: << your happy now?. Your the one lying broken >>

Houki: its a shame you have this munch potential squall. Imagine you couldn't become a is academy student from the start becoming the first American student to attend there. We never have any American is pilots there. That is what its there for. I didn't know your 38 years old up till now. You hated mankind for what they done back then

Squall: i refuse to believe mankind has hope. I will never forget the filthy world has destroyed my life & everything in it. You are right. Infinite stratos will divide countries. Greed money fame & power will only spark an is war. That is why we as phantom task is doing this whole time. You think getting rid of us will change anything. It will not. Now they accepted fighter jets coming back to the world. War is always inevitable. But if your think your different?. Well carry on, you  have that right & responsibility. Houki shinonono you have been always the ruler of infinite stratos. Go your way, we all make it. Just like go triggers way they all make it.

Houki: that is exactly what I do. * saluted * rest in peace American is pilot

Golden dawn squall meusel exploded in a bright light glow.

Chifuyu landed powered down.

Chifuyu: ichika we did it. We did it

" thank you everyone "

F22 demon landed. Lex neural link back to his body. Houki turned to him & kissed him & hugged him.

Its all over. The fall of gr guardian.

Final chapter next week.


ace combat 7: stratos rise & fall of GR guardian Completed Where stories live. Discover now