volume 2 chapter 4:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Strider 6 phoenix went to go to the school assembly meeting. He hangs in the back arms crossed leaned against the wall Tatenashi comes in to chat. Houki shinonono the teacher/Top Is ace aka crimson aka ruler of is comes in skyler nodded as a greeted houki returned with a bow.

Tatenashi: " hmm. Things had been hectic this year. Massive conflict between our world & strangeral world. Lost of one student ichika orimura. Or in strider team saying its hell i should say. So much hell you haven't met me yet. "

Skyler whispered: & were off

Houki whispered: i'mma meet my boyfriend at my doujo

Skyler whispered: go get the ass

Houki whispered: ああ、そうします💗

Tatenashi: " i am Tatenashi sarashiki. Girlfriend to strider team number 6 of the LRSSG long range strategic strike group 124th tactical fighter squadron of the osean federation air force. Skyler bowman tac name pheonix. "

Students looked behind seeing skyler he saluted

Tatenashi: " i am to all of you students. Student council body "

Tatenashi: " our annual school festival is coming. Because of past attacks & the stop production of infinite stratos this will be the last one. However all nations of our world will have an idea that will keep this academy going. I cannot reveal anything yet "



Slaughterhouse: all jets that looked like ours but the same except super jet kind. That will make is units super jets if i can imagine that

Tabane: i never thought of that. So there gonna ask me to overhauled all nations aircraft. Putting is technology inside the planes

Vice chairman Edwards: won't be done overnight

Tabane: witch means they need to be patient. We can still use is while that's going on

Slat: hey where's my girlfriend maya?

Destroyer: setting up school festival * looks at his watch * well gotta meet up with houki for something

Cipher: see ya bro

Lex walks by tatenashi & skyler.

Lex: so tatenashi. I know what your really here for. Your protecting me because i am highly advanced than infinite stratos mechs. My new jet is already here one that can change history

Tatenashi: figured it out already, i like that comrade. General resource limited PMC GR guardian & phantom task once you dead the second time. I failed protecting ichika i won't fail you. I saw what you can do on ground as a brutal black ops combat operator. Your world has moved on. In our world people here see you as a hero. Devil dog of the infinite stratos.

Lex: (scoffed) do what you want

He leaves  tatenashi looks at her usean boyfriend WTF look

Skyler: get used to it

Tatenashi: я буду стараться😅😑

To be continued:


ace combat 7: stratos rise & fall of GR guardian Completed Where stories live. Discover now