volume 2 chapter 3:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Rin representative of China being test spar against strider 6 pheonix.

rin gritted her teeth no matter what is menuevers she made skyler always behind her never allowing her to retaliate.

Houki shinonono teacher/ruler of infinite stratos top ace pilot, watching rin in disgust. Rin wasn't the same since ichika's death. Her childish acts had gotten worse. Rin finally got behind but has trouble locking on.

Rin: dammit i ...

Phoenix: << had your chance >>

He post stalled.

He gets a lock on.

Pheonix: << that's a kill >>

Rin: 該死的

Su37 flies beside her

Pheonix: << go see houki immediately >>

Timeskip skyler pov:

After that test spar. Its proved she hasn't been improving herself. Her childhood crush now gone she hasn't let go, houki is gonna send her back to her country. Looking at my smartphone video recorded sent by chifuyu of rin lost the match by houki herself some days ago.

Skyler: don't even think about it tatenashi

I grabbed my long time girlfriend letting out a kya. Pulled her for a kiss on the lips. She sat on my lap got turned to into make out.

Afterwards we pulled back giving each other.

Tatenashi: i suspect nothing less дорогой💗

Skyler: благодарю вас tatenashi

My phone rang

Skyler: yeah Chifuyu. On my way * hangs up * gotta report to Chifuyu

Tatenashi: ok. Having a announcement

Skyler: i'll be there


I heard a argument between chifuyu & rin. Houki isn't around. She's with destroyer assuming.

Chifuyu: skyler san. What's your results?. Should we let her continue to learn here or sent her home?

I thought for a bit. Despite how childish she acts she has been a great help. I hate when people choose her to represent her country she isn't ready yet. I know tabane is here to replace her since her decision on ending is once we defeated gr guardian & phantom task is over.

Pheonix: sent her home. Rin lets be honest, your not in good state of mind right now. Everyone else moved on except you. Doesn't mean forcing you to quit being an is pilot. You have alot of growing up to do. Ichika will be disappointed if you keep doing what your doing now. Its not the end of the world. You just need some time okay. Don't take advantage of my kindness💢

I rubbed her head. She bowed respectfully. Her ride waiting for her. Tabane comes in leans against the door arms crossed.

Tabane: are you sure about this?

Chifuyu: hai, thanks skyler

Skyler: anytime

Dunois powered down from for rabbit switch

dunois: i am gonna miss her

Pheonix: its better- that sounds like a f15c eagle out there....

We looked outside Tabane gasped. Galm 1 CIPHER Tabane's long time boyfriend. She ran to him to the hanger.

Students are shocked that legendary ace pilot older brother of strider 2 destroyer is here.

Dunois: seigneur démon de la table ronde😱

Epilogue author pov:

Cipher already at his own hanger.

he climbed down. Saw Tabane jumped he catched her, giving him a nice kiss. Crying of joy.

To be continued:

Cipher is here Tabane replaced rin.


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