volume 2 chapter 17:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Is academy is moved aboard the titan.

(Larger big enough to reach the skies hence the name titan)

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(Larger big enough to reach the skies hence the name titan)

Dunois laura Houki alcott laura tabane & kanzaki looking at something. Jets given to them from yours truly houki & kanzaki.

Alcott: i'll have the eurofighter typhoon

Tabane: really!? What about tempest?

Alcott: nah, typhoon has the finest mobility

Tabane: well then i'll have the ASFX shinden 2

Kanzaki: you can always bail out. These aircraft are upgraded with a call watch. It will fly on its own to your location

Dunois: merci votre majesté de m'avoir donné le rafale m😁

Houki: your very welcome charlotte san. Please lay off with the lame title

Laura: i don't want anything

Houki: i never give any jet to you. Tornados are longer in use anymore

houki: here's are your train schedules

They start to wine. But she shut them up. Top 1 IS ace went to see lex hills. Strider 2 destroyer is sick today, finally took revenge of his own death varcolac done to him.

Emotionally distraught. Cipher (ooc) real name drake hills often come by to check up on him. Today this time its houki checking up on him.

Houki: lex kun. How do you feel?

Lex: just sick. Its my honest truth to you. I keep forgotten i am breathing alive as a damn machine

She touched her forehead to his feeling his warmth

Houki: poor lex

Lex: i'll be okay. I am not the type moped around

She smiled & kissed him as she leaves. But suddenly she got pulled back to bed led out a kya noise she straddling him.

Houki: oh now you feeling all better

Lex: you bet your ass. I been homesick for 5 weeks

Houki: in a mood huh

She took her clothes off.

They make love

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They make love.


Strider 5 slat real name donnie Johnson staring down a tape measure.

Slat: maya what kind of BS is this?

Maya: in case of Unmanned drone attacks. That's for body measurements

Slat: body measurements?

Maya pov:

ああ、くそ. We been a couple for a while. I was gonna take my leave then i see Chifuyu san closing door with a shit eating on her face.

Chifuyu: have fun. Let me know how good your love with him is

She locked it.

Slat: strip down baby💗

Chifuyu pov:


Chifuyu: * cupped my breasts * hmmm i wonder

I imagine trigger measuring me. I start drool blood coming out of my nose.

Mobius 1: Chifuyu we got a problem

To be continued:


ace combat 7: stratos rise & fall of GR guardian Completed Where stories live. Discover now