volume 2 chapter 16:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Sulejmani: << FUN IS OVER DESTROYER >>

Oruma: << sorry your highness try not  take it personally >>


Kiriakov: << not until he defeats you & proves himself the best >>

Pheonix: << break off the attack. Let them kill varcolac >>

Gaviria: << too fast your akatsuki >>

Kiriakov: << were the fastest in the sky >>

Oruma: << way too much overkill from hunting down dogs though >>

Chifuyu: << i heard about those planes. Its GAF 1. How did they maneuver so fast like that >>

Trigger: << houki do not underestimate varcolac. >>

Long caster: << trigger's got a point. Make him a sandwich. Varcolac are known for surrending their targets & engage them in a pincer move. Their flaw is there back exposed nows the chance to strike. They did this back when they used to be rigel squadron back in the ustio black ops days >>

Houki: << copy >>

Sulejmani: << varcolac squadron. Formation delta 4 >>

Houki pov:

I flew destroyer neural link currently in his f22 demon. They got us surrounded till they started shooting at us. I dodge pulled up at Kiriakov's rear vulcan cannon fire him shot him down.

Kiriakov: << ugh! I screwed up >>

Sulejmani: << ally down stay on the offensive varcolac squadron >>

Oruma: << NO TOYA!? >>

Visioned came to me & lex kun. Destroyer back then at redmills osea. He got ambushed from behind smacked by a beer bottle Kiriakov making sure he didn't recover by beating him in the face as others Gaviria & oruma ganged up & started beating him to death so they can dragged him to the hanger.

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