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The drive was scenic and long. It was definitely out in the middle of nowhere alright. The trees blurred with the grass and the grass blurred with the road. I look up at the gray sky. Look what I've gotten myself into. I know Mom and Dad wanted me to focus on school, but I know they would also want me to help whoever was in need. Steve kept making small talk with me and I always found him sneaking looks. He was a cute guy that I can admit. He reminded me of a love sick puppy.

We eventually arrive at an abandoned boathouse looking cabin in the middle of nowhere. A mailbox sat by the driveway that said Lipton on it. Possibly a cover name? The house was surrounded by a dirty lake and a mess load of trees. As each of us step out of the car, we take a look around.

He rushes to the door and immediately starts to ring the doorbell to the house several times. No answer. He knocks over and over. No answer. "Eddie!" He screams. "Reefer Rick!" He starts pound. I look over my shoulder and see a metal building behind but Max starts for it first. I immediately follow her while Dustin repeats himself over and over, echoing in the woods, everyone telling him to stop.

"Guys! Over here!" Max exclaims. She shines her flashlight on the house. They rush over to Max and I and walk to the house.

"No way he would be found here. This has to be it." I grimace.

"Agreed." Robin says. Steve takes place by me and the rest walk towards the front, cautious of our surroundings just in case.

"So, you and Eddie a thing?" Steve says. I look at him but his eyes are focused ahead.

I shake my head. "Hell. No. I'm here because the cat drug me in. I can't be safe being exposed to what I saw. There's no way- and if you guys have experience than I'm staying here."

"Yeah, true. When did you move here?"

"Well.. two days ago." I purse my lips as he looks at me with shock. I start to laugh when I see his reaction.

"Oh God, I'm sorry. Well welcome to the one and only Hawkins I guess." He gives me a smile and continues to poke and prod.

The metal boathouse was dark and eerie. It looked abandoned, which kind of fit the suit for the occasion. Everyone was breathing on each other's necks, eager to get answers.

We all flash our lights and see pictures hanging off of the wall, torn furniture, and trash everywhere. "What a dump," Steve says as he grabs an ore from the wall.

We take a right and near the corner of the room stood a big wooden crate with a big blue tarp. Next to it was a wooden box with trash. Beer, wrappers.. Robin flashes her light on it.

"Well someone was definitely here." I hide behind everyone else unsure of what to expect. Steve heads over to the tarp with the ore he grabbed. We all look at each other in agreement to see what it was. He then starts to poke at it several times.

"What if he's in there? At least take the tarp off!" Dustin says.

"Why would I?" Steve continues to poke.

I look over Robin's shoulder. He softly taps it, then he start to add a little more pressure and move in different areas. No movement. Maybe he wasn't here?

"AHHHH!" The tarp moves up and I fall backwards on my butt with a yelp. Underneath the screaming fabric revealed no one else but a startled Eddie Munson. He charges at Steve and slams him against the well. Everyone was yelling for him to stop.

"Eddie! Eddie, stop! It's me, it's Dustin!" He holds his hands up. "D & D, remember? This is Max. It's us!" He lowers his stance from Steve and Steve kneels down and gives me a hand. I hesitantly take it and stand up, brushing myself off.

The Devil's Gift/The Bloody HandedWhere stories live. Discover now