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I woke up in a desperate need for water.

My head was spinning so I knew I was definitely still a bit drunk, but my need for water outweighed my drunken sleepiness. And as I lifted my eye mask the lack of light in my room showed how late it still was, but the music was no longer playing downstairs leading me to assume the party was over by now.

How long was I asleep? It couldn't have been long because I'm still exhausted, plus it's dark outside. Maybe a few hours?

I pulled my eye mask from my head and tossed my covers off, instantly regretting it as I was met with the cold air. Throwing my feet over the side of my bed I shivered slightly from the brisk air in my room as I ran my arms up and down my bare arms. It's always freezing in here.

I stood from my bed, reaching to my bedside table to flick on a lamp and grab my glasses to stick them on my face before heading over to the chair I had put Harry's hoodie on to throw it on over my pajamas.

I need my own hoodie.

The material fell below my shorts to make it look like it was the only thing I was wearing— Not that it really mattered much I guess. I'm sure everyone is gone by now. Or, at least I'm hoping they are.

I quickly exited my room and walked down the hall as my eyes tried to make out anything I could through the dark house. It was eerie in the night, silence echoing through the dark halls that my eyes still weren't quite adjusted to.

Reaching the stairs I held onto the railing as I traveled down them, my body still buzzing from the alcohol I had consumed. On my way down I decided that I couldn't have been asleep for more than two hours with how sluggish I still felt.

"But I don't wanna go!" My head snapped up to look at the front door where the obnoxious whine had come from, my feet faltering in their stride down the stairs.

The blonde girl who had been attached to Harry in the hallway was now standing at the front door with him. I watched as she flung her arms around his neck while he pulled his head back to dodge her attempt of a kiss.

"Your ride is here." Harry spoke as he reached up to untangle her arms from his neck.

I carefully tiptoed down the rest of the stairs to try and go unnoticed all the while still trying to not fall over on my face from my spinning head.

The girl stamped her foot as if she were a child throwing a tantrum, still speaking in an horrible whine. "But I want to stay here with you."

"I don't do sleepovers, Skylar." Harry muttered hardly audible to me as I walked towards the entryway leading towards the kitchen.

"This is the second time that we've hooked up at a party, you don't have to kick me out like this. Why can't I stay?" The pout evident in her voice.

"What makes you think I need to justify myself to you?" I heard Harry ask more loud than he had been before.

There was a silence, so I glanced over to look at them and the girl he addressed as Skylar was now watching me while Harry's back was turned towards me, his left hand raising to take a drag from a cigarette.

"What are you looking at bitch?" The blonde spat at me, clearly annoyed I was hearing their conversation.

Trust me, I wish I hadn't heard it either.

My eyebrows raised in shock at her hostility towards me. I shook my head with a small laugh, and before I could stop myself I was raising my hand to throw up a middle finger towards her as Harry turned to see who she was talking to.

"Get the fuck out Skylar." Harry snapped as he turned back towards her, applying pressure to the girls lower back with his hand as he escorted her out of the door.

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