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TW: Blood, torture, death.

... are you ready?

Aurora Walker
July 8, 2020

I shot to my feet before I could even think, but Dylan was quick to press the gun he was holding to Harry's temple, "Make another move, sweetheart, and I'll put a bullet in your new boyfriend's head."

My eyes quickly moved to meet Harry's, an unreadable expression on his face as he shook his head to try and calm me down and to get me to comply with what Dylan was saying.

"It's okay." Harry spoke with another singular nod.

In a seconds time the butt of Dylan's gun was coming down and crashing onto the side of Harry's head. He turned his face away, arms held by Dylan behind his back so that he was unable to shield himself.

My hands flew to my mouth as a choked cry left me. Dylan's head turned to face me again, a deranged look crossing him as the group moved closer to where I was. "Sit down." He demanded.

Not wanting to anger him further or risk Harry getting hurt any more, I listened.

Of course I don't want to. All I wanted to do was to run to Harry and hold him in my arms. I wanted to feel the safeness and the security that I always have when I'm around him. I wanted to feel his arms around me and know that everything was going to be okay. I wanted to tell him everything that I have been feeling— everything that I've come to realize.

I wanted to tell him that I love him.

But I can't.

All I can do is sit here and watch silently as he's led closer to me, a new small stream of blood flowing from where Dylan had hit him with the gun.

As I watched them approach I couldn't help my scattered thoughts that were racing through my head. Why are Harry and Niall here? How did they get here? How did they know where to find me?

"Wasn't expecting company so soon..." Zach said lowly as he entered the room behind everyone. "But I suppose it just means that we can start sooner, hm?"

I don't even want to try and figure out what he could possibly mean by that. I think that I'm in shock over everything that has happened in the last twenty four hours.

This time yesterday I was asleep with Harry in LA, in our bed. But now we are all being held hostage across the country by my ex, my twin, Harry's brothers and my uncle.

Even just the thought alone is making me feel as though I'm insane.

All of this feels like my mind is playing some sick joke on me. I feel like I tripped and hit my head walking out of the shop I was in with Millie this afternoon. I feel like at any second I'll wake up and all of this will just be some sick joke that my mind has played on me.

Because of this is truly my reality, how am I suppose to respond to this? No where in any of my training did Niall or Harry prepare me for the possibility of them being held hostage in front of me with Chloe and my aunt beside me.

Seeing Harry stand in front of me with a gun to his head and no way to defend himself is sending me into a type of panic that I don't think I have ever felt before.

One small movement and Dylan can end Harry's life.

Harry didn't say anything more but he kept his eyes on me. I could tell that he was trying to will me to calm down, but I couldn't. I couldn't stop my erratic heartbeat or the sweating in my hands as I watched Dylan hold a gun to his head, and beside them Conner holding one to Niall's.

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