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"Shit," Niall murmured, "Does it hurt?"

"Looks like it's bloody killer." Louis added in.

"It's literally bloody." Liam grimaced.

"Leave you two alone for less than three hours and somehow you both manage to hurt yourselves." Thalia shook her head, "I'd say I'm surprised, but honestly I'm impressed you guys lasted that long."

"Give 'em some space guys." Jade said from next to Thalia as Harry made his way into the kitchen holding a few different medical supplies.

Millie and I were sat on the counter in the kitchen next to each other, each of us holding different ice packs to various parts of our bodies.

"I'm so sorry." Millie grimaced as she watched Harry pull a few more things he needed from a bag.

"It's okay." I smiled, instantly regretting it since the skin pulled on the gash above my eyebrow. "It wasn't your fault."

"It totally was!" Millie dropped her head into her hands, one of her wrists bandaged, "This was suppose to be fun."

"Mills, you said you knew how to skate." Niall shook his head, "From the looks of it I'd say that isn't true. I mean shit, you guys look like you went through a fuckin' war."

"That's enough," Harry said, still digging through his bags. "Get out of the kitchen. All of you. This is going to be painful enough for Rori, don't need all of you shitheads watching as well."

Niall pouted from beside Harry, "Thought you said we needed to learn for when you aren't here. Isn't this the perfect opportunity to learn how to stitch someone up?"

Harry continued to rummage through the things laid out on the counter, "I'll teach you next time you slice yourself up. Shouldn't be too long from now seeing how you still think you're good a throwing knives."

"Low blow." Niall scoffed, "Not like you're much better."

"Not by much, but still better." Harry shrugged.

Liam laughed from where he leaned against the counter next to me, his eyes on Niall. "Doesn't take much to be better than you if we're being honest, mate. Damn near cut your ear off last time."

"Which is why none of you should even be thinking about throwing knives." Thalia scolded, "Now get out of the kitchen."

Everyone nodded without saying much else, everyone pretty much listens to everything Thalia says. She's definitely an authoritative figure in the house.

"Take it easy on that wrist, Millie." Harry looked up to her from where she still sat on the counter. "You're lucky you didn't break it."

"I be careful." She nodded as Niall wrapped his arm around her waist to help lower her down to the ground. "Again, I'm so sorry Rori."

I shook my head dismissively, "Seriously, it's fine. It looks worse than it feels."

That was a lie.

The gash right above my eyebrow was in searing pain. Every time I made even a fraction of a movement it would throb and I had to hold back from making a pained face. The bleeding had slowed way down and wasn't pouring down the side of my face anymore, but it definitely was still in pain.

"So you wanna explain how this happened?" Harry asked as he looked up to me.

"My face hit Millies skate..." I murmured averting my eyes from his.

"Hm..." He hummed as he moved himself between my knees.

Harry reached up and began to clean around the area of my cut, each small touch sending a shooting pain through my body.

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