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Aurora Walker

How I once again ended up sleeping in Harrys room is kind of a mystery to me.  

He's the last person that I would ever picture myself to willingly spend time with. His mood swings are enough of a red flag to have any sane person running in the opposite direction.

His ability to go from the boy sitting in the field of sunflowers deciding to hug me, to the same person who forced me to talk about my ex and leave me to relive everything on my bedroom floor for hours is something that I will never understand.

He's incapable of apologizing or ever showing that he's wrong. He's arrogant, annoying, insensitive and I know he's dangerous.

Yet, I still find my self infatuated with the idea of him.

The other parts of him. The softer parts. The ones that invite me to meet Bloodlines, the one that sings in the car and the one that makes my stomach feel jittery to be around him.

Something about him since Jades party has seemed different to me. The way he talked to me in the hallway and how he's done things for me since then have honestly been confusing for me. He makes me nervous by just being around me and that's not even mentioning how I feel when he opens up about things.

I know we haven't really crossed any huge milestones or really opened up about things but he's talking to me more and I think that's progress.

So when he looked back over his shoulder last night all he had to do was ask, "You coming?" And I was following him into his room without another thought.

We didn't talk much, we mostly just watched a movie on his laptop. However, I did discover he has a sweet tooth. His drawer next to the side of the bed he sleeps on had a variety of different candys and a container of Wondershop butter toffee popcorn. While we watched the movie he ate jellybeans, which for some reason was amusing to me.

I also didn't go back into my room at all last night which meant I didn't go get my sleep mask. Harry had told me he was trying something out the first few times I slept in his room, that he was testing out if he could actually sleep through the night without a nightmare with me in his room. So, I'm testing out a theory of my own.

When we woke up today it was to the sound of Harry's phone ringing with Thalia telling him breakfast was ready. While he was talking my phone started ringing with a call from Niall so I quickly jumped out Harrys of bed and walked to the bathroom to answer it.

He was just telling me that breakfast was ready, but he of course didn't miss the chance of texting me after I hung up to add a snide remark that I probably already knew since Thalia had called Harry.

I, of course, ignored his message.

Before going down stairs I quickly redid my makeup and did my best to cover the attack on my neck. The last thing I needed was for Thalia or Millie to see them.

Louis was surprisingly downstairs and had breakfast with us. I guess he stayed over and was checking on Liam this morning before going home to do some work.

Liam is doing better, he's been awake and talking. I kind of want to go check on him but I'm not sure if that would be weird since I don't really know him that well.

After breakfast I came back up stairs to my room and changed into a white tank top and high waisted jeans for the day. I brushed my hair and let it fall in its natural state down my back, then called it good.

I was feeling a bit creative this morning so I wanted to get outside at some point and draw. First though, I needed to brush my teeth.

As I walked into the bathroom I saw that Harry had the same idea. He had come upstairs before me and judging by his wet hair I was assuming that he had just gotten out of the shower. His shirt was buttoned low, the top of his butterfly tattoo showing amongst the many other tattoos covering his skin. I tried to ignore him ruffing the towel through his hair as I walked over to the sink and picked up my toothbrush, though I'm not going to lie, it was difficult.

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