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I kicked Harry in his dick today.

Okay, so this is what happened. Niall was teaching me how to defend myself since I had absolutely no idea how to throw a punch and he was also scolding me because I said that I don't want to hurt anyone.

Let's be honest, I can't even properly kill a bug on the floor because I get upset about hurting something and go into this long deep thought of "what if it had a family". Completely irrational, I know.

But it just proves my point.

So how they expect me to be able to defend myself is beyond me. I'm not strong and I can barely run a lap around their gym without gasping for breath.

Yeah, I might be a dancer but that doesn't mean that I'm good at cardio by any means.

I know that they're trying to help me but him and Harry were only frustrating me. It was my first day of "training" and neither of them were taking it easy on me.

I had already been knocked in the head by Niall for the last hour so when Harry finally got into the ring and started to train with me I was already running on a low fuse.

Harry was the one who taught me how to hold a proper fist and what stance I should have. Niall chimed in a few times but it was mostly Harry that positioned me.

I almost lost it when he adjusted my hips and his fingers trailed up close to my scar...

Harry was also the one who got more physical with the training. After Thalia broke up Harry and Nialls fight, Niall told me to get in the ring with Harry.

They said to get angry and trust me, I was.

When Harry knocked my feet out from under me I hit the mat hard enough for me to wind myself for a few seconds. I lost my temper at that moment and reminded them that it was my first day, resulting in Niall agreeing with me.

Niall said I did great for the first day but what Harry said pissed me off more in that moment than he's ever been able to.

He said something along the lines of, "She did great if her opponent was a teddy bear."

I don't know what came over me, but all I felt was a blinding rage as he stood over me with that stupid smirk on his lips.

So as he reached down to help me up from the floor I swung my foot up and connected with him right between his legs. When I saw him crumble in pain I rolled out of the ring from under the ropes.

Everyone in the gym was laughing about it and I expected to feel bad, but I didn't. I only felt anger and when I saw him standing back up from where he collapsed on the floor I only felt more angry.

I was angry that I didn't kick him harder.

If I'm being honest I was a bit angry with him prior to going into the gym. When Niall knocked on my door to wake me up and take me downstairs to eat dinner I realized Harry wasn't in my room anymore.

I know that it sounds stupid but when I told him I wanted him to stay with me, I meant it. I don't even know why... I mean, it makes me sound like an idiot for wanting him to stay with me, doesn't it?

After everything he's done I shouldn't want him to anywhere near me.

It might even seem a little selfish of me to be upset with him for leaving when we really don't even like each other, but it honestly did upset me.

Not like a blinding anger but more like I felt abandoned.

To be completely truthful I guess it hurt my feelings more than it upset me.

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