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Harry Styles
January 31, 2008 - Age 9

"Tomorrow is your birthday, my love." My mothers angelic voice sang out as she placed a blanket down on the ground. "Are you excited? You're going to be ten!" She gave me a huge, beautiful smile as she straightened out each end of the blanket.

I bent down to fix the corners near where I stood before we sat down together at the edge of the sunflower field. It's the end of January so the flowers in the field are dead due to the cold weather, but it's still our favorite spot to come to.

Even if the flowers aren't as pretty as they usually are.

"I am excited!" I said eagerly as I watched my mum pulled the basket containing our lunch onto the blanket in between us. "Finally double digits." I laughed holding up all ten of my fingers.

I watched in happiness as my mother pulled sandwiches and cut fruit from the basket, the same picnic we always have. As she set down the container of strawberries and watermelon my mouth began to water at just the site of them.

"What do you want for your birthday, monkey?" My mom asked as she passed me a sandwich, the nickname she's used for me since I was a baby causing me to smile even wider.

But then my answer to her question came into my mind and my eyes flashed up to her in unease as I watched her for a few seconds. Her long brown hair was down for our picnic. She usually has it up in a bun at the house since my father doesn't like it when she wears her hair down.

But I think she looks beautiful.

The sun was behind her causing a yellowish glow to form around her head. Sitting next to the sunflower field it made me think of something— she kind of looked like one herself. Her dark hair with the golden glow around her.


She wore a big beige sun hat with a blue ribbon around it. It's her favorite hat. She wears it anytime she comes into the sun and she's had it for as long as I could remember. Even though the hat is worn down from all the tears she's had it, it still looks nice. She's always been really good at taking care of things.

"You know what I want, Mum..." I whispered looking down to my hands.

I heard my her movements pause as I spoke. Every year I want the same thing and it's the only thing that I ever ask her for.

I know that it's not possible and I also know that no matter how many times I ask for it, I'll never get it, but I still can't help but ask for it. It makes me feel selfish asking for it every year. And I know it's a shameful thought, but I just can't help but want it.

"Oh, love..." My mum whispered causing my eyes to move up to hers again.

"It's okay, Mum." I gave her a smile to try and hide the sad feeling. "I'll love whatever you get me."

I don't want to ruin our picnic. I love coming out here with her when we get the chance, so I don't want my stupid wish to affect the rest of our day. I just want us to be happy.

My mum sighed, her body slumping down a bit as she watched me with slightly squinted eyes. "I got you something to open right now." She whispered, almost as if it was a secret.

"But my birthday isn't until tomorrow." I said shaking my head.

"I know, I know." She waved a hand towards me dismissing what I had said. "But I wanted to give this to you here."

I watched as she reached back into the basket to pull out a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper.

"What is it?" I asked with growing curiosity as a smile took over my face.

"Open it and find out." She said while holding the box out towards me.

Quickly I took the box from her and began to unwrap it. Throwing the ripped paper to the side I now held a plain white box in my hands. I examined the box a bit, rolling it over in my hands before finally deciding on opening it.

I popped off the lid and set it down beside me as I looked into the box. It was a necklace. A sliver plated chain with a paper airline pendant on the end.

My eyes flashed up to my mum, her eyes already on me as she watched me with a smile.

"A paper airplane?" I questioned as I took the necklace out of the box.

"Yes." She said simply as she motioned with her hand for me to come closer.

I scooted closer to her and watched as she took the necklace from me. She unclasped it and put it around my neck, fastening it into place. After letting the necklace fall down to my chest she took a hand and smoothed my hair back away from my face, her cool hand slipping down to rest on my cheek as she gave me another smile.

"I promise you, one day we will fly away from here." She said in a soft voice. "We'll soar up in the clouds..." Her head tilted back to look at the sky as she spoke. "We'll go far, far away from here. Somewhere we've never been before. And we'll be free."

My chest jumped at the thought. My wish. That's all I want. That's all I've ever wanted.

"And Thalia too?" I asked quietly.

"And Thalia, too." My mothers eyes moved back down to meet mine. "Just us three."

I felt my bottom lip shake and before I knew it I had my arms wrapped around her in a tight hug. "I love you." I whispered against her.

"Oh, my sweet, Harry..." She wrapped her arms around me, one hand stroking my hair. "I love you, too. Always..."


aw, baby H ):

see you friday <3

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