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Today is the day.  

Today is the day that I've been terrified of since Harry told us about it. It is Wednesday, July 1st. The day that we have to go to Harry's fathers event.

I've been terrified to say the least.

I have tried my best to try and act like I'm okay but the idea of going and possibly having to meet the man that is responsible for Harry's entire life is terrifying to me. How am I supposed to stand in front of Chris and act like I don't want to punch him— or do worse to him.

Harry's father has convinced Harry that he is the reason for his mother's death. He tortures Harry and will literally reopen the scars that he got from falling out of a window as a way to try and hold leverage over him and to show him that he is still superior to Harry.

My father might be a dick, but at least he never did something like that to me.

It scares me because I know that one day Harry is going to have to take over for his father, and I hate that. I hate knowing that Harry doesn't want this. I hate knowing that he has no choice in it. I wish that I could change it for him. I wish more than anything that there was something that I could do to help him or that there was something that I could do to at least make this easier for him.

He doesn't deserve any of this.

He deserves to live the life that he chooses– one where he can finally be happy and not have to live with the constant reminders of his past.

I know that Harry will never believe me when I say it, but he really is a good person. I see it in him everyday. I see it in the way that he handles his family and in the way that he loves Jake. I hear it in the songs he writes and I see it in his eyes when he talks about his mom. I hate that he doesn't see himself the way that I do.

But for as long as I am in his life I will never stop trying to convince him of it.

Nearly all of yesterday was spent teaching me how to "properly dance", as Niall had put it. Apparently Harry's father might not like it if I started dancing the way that I would at the club– Who would have thought?

To say I was annoyed by Niall yesterday would be an understatement.

I've never learned to dance this way. I mean, I've never had to. So having him in the room while Harry tried to teach me was annoying as hell.

And after a while Harry being so close to me was becoming too distracting. I couldn't keep my mind focused on retaining any of the things that he was telling me so I ended up just having him and Niall leave the room so that Millie could teach me herself.

I think it went okay. We ended on a good note and Millie seemed satisfied with my progress, so I guess that's a good thing.

It was a fairly tame day for the most part. That is, until I made it down to the kitchen where almost everyone else was. That's when all hell broke loose.

Moments after walking in a window shattered to our left, everyone in the kitchen freezing and staring outside. It took me a moment to realize that Niall and Liam were outside together. Niall was standing on the opposite side of the pool, a golf club in one hand and his other up covering his mouth.

Apparently Niall and Liam were playing mini golf in the backyard. Or, they were trying to.

In a matter of seconds Harry was up off of his stool and storming through the back door chasing after Niall. Once Harry was out of earshot of course all of us were doubled over laughing watching as he chased Niall through the backyard.

Harry really didn't say much the rest of the night last night after coming in from his run about with Niall. In fact, he hasn't really said much all day today either.

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