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TW: overdose and throwing up

By the time I reached the top of the stairs as I headed towards my room my feet felt like bricks. I wanted nothing more than to lay down in my bed but I had made the decision to take a quick shower before getting in my clean bed sheets since I got kind of sweaty while I was dancing with Millie.

I'd feel too gross to go to bed without a shower.

Entering my room I locked the bedroom door behind me and walked towards my dresser. I grabbed a pair of shorts and underwear out then headed to my closet to grab a tank top.

Afterwards I kicked off my shoes and walked out of the closet, shutting the door behind me and walking out towards the bathroom door, dropping my clean clothes off on my bed on the way.

I walked into the bathroom, locking the door before making my way over to the vanity and pulling a scrunchie out from one of the drawers to tie my hair up into a high bun so that it wouldn't get wet. I washed it yesterday so I figured I'd just wash it when I took another shower tomorrow.

I turned on the water allowing it to heat up, then started to strip from my party clothes. As I had just kicked off my last piece of clothing I heard a door shut in Harrys room, fear rushing over me as I basically sprinted naked to his door to lock it from inside the bathroom.

I like these doors because you're able to lock them from inside the bathroom and from inside your room. On one side you can use the door handle to lock it, while on the other side you can lock it using a latch on the door.

Once it was locked I sighed in relief and made my way back over to the shower. After stepping in I shut the sliding glass door behind me and let the hot water flow down my body, feeling my muscles instantly relaxing under the heat.

I reached over to grab my loofa and wet it under the stream of water before pouring some of my body wash on it. Quickly I scrubbed it over my body in attempt to get the shower over with as fast as I could. The water felt amazing on my aching muscles but I really needed to get some sleep tonight.

I was halfway through washing my body when I heard a knock, well more like a pounding at the door leading to Harrys room. I jumped, dropping my loofa at the sudden outburst coming from Harrys door, my heart now racing as I steadied myself against the wall with my hand.

"Hold on, I'm almost done!" I called out loud enough for him to hear on the other side of the door.

Can't he hear the water running?

I finished washing myself as quickly as I could, rinsing out my loofa and running myself under the water to get the soap off of my body. Turning off the water I got out of the shower as fast as possible without slipping and grabbed my towel, patting down my legs then wrapping it around my body.

I stepped towards Harrys door and unlocked it, and almost as quickly as I turned the lock on the door it was swinging open.

Harry stood leaning with one hand on the door frame and the other falling down beside him from pushing open the door. "Get out." He mumbled with his eyes to the floor.

"Are you okay?" I asked as my eyes scanned over him to take in his appearance.

His eyes were hooded with darker circles than usual and sweat had begun to bead on his forehead. He took a stumbled step into the bathroom, walking past me towards the sink where he leaned against it with both of his hands pressed firmly against the counter.

His head was dropped down but after a few moments he rolled it back slowly, his eyes lifting to look at me through the mirror as he let out a panting breath. "Get out." He spoke more forcefully this time.

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