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So as it turns out the bakery that we went to was called, Styles Bakery. Apparently Thalia owns a few of them around here and spread around the country. Much like the same way that Harry owns a few tattoo studios. Harry also spilled that Niall owned the club we went to a few days before my birthday and that he has a few more as well.

Harry explained that it was much like how his father owns the hotels. They all have a few businesses of their own that brings in more money as well as the money that they are already making from all of the... illicit side activities.

The bakery was actually really good though! I loved it and I loved the cute decor of it. Apparently Thalia has a real eye for interior design.

All of the recipes that are used at the bakery come from Harry and Thalia's mom's mom, so their grandma. She was a baker and owned a shop of her own when their mom was little. Anne would go there when she was growing up and she learned all of the recipes, so when she moved out and started her own family she passed them down to Harry and Thalia.

Hearing Harry talk about his family, the side of it that had nothing to do with murders or drugs is so endearing. I forget sometimes that at one point a part of his family was normal.

His mom grew up in a small town with a mother that owned a bakery and she had no siblings. Her father died when she was too young to remember, so it was just her and her mom. The way that Harry talked about it I could tell how much Anne and her mom meant to each other, and when his eyes turned sad when he told me that his grandma died before he was born my heart hurt for him. It's sad knowing that he never got to meet her. But then it got worse when he went on to explain that his mom and grandma didn't talk to each other the last few years of her life. Anne's mom knew what kind of man Chris was and she couldn't be in Anne's life knowing the self-destructive path that she was going down.

Harry didn't say much about the situation after that. He kind of got quiet for a few minutes before changing the topic to something else entirely. I didn't try to press on it either. I was just thankful for the small amounts of information on his life that he is willing to give to me himself.

The car ride home was a lot less heavy then the ride to the bakery. Harry was smiley and seemed light hearted though in the back of my head I remembered that as soon as we got back to the house he was going to have to leave again to go on a job.

I know that he told me it was a simple one, but the idea of him getting hurt scares me more and more everyday. Knowing that anytime he leaves to go on a run it could potentially turn dangerous no matter what the situation is, is terrifying.

I remember Louis saying that his and Liam's job was supposed to just be a simple drop while we were all holding Liam down onto the ground as Harry dug the bullet out of his shoulder.

I tried my best to act like I wasn't bothered by Harry having to leave when he dropped me off at the house. I held the bags from the bakery in my hands, my fingers going numb from the intensity in which I held them. I smiled, Harry lifting his sunglasses from over his eyes and pushing them to the top of his head to properly look at me.

"I'm gonna be fine." He said quietly as though he didn't want anyone else to hear, even though it was only us sitting in his car.

"I know." I nodded.

"Then you have to stop looking at me like that." His eyes flicked over my face before finally meeting my eyes again.

"How am I looking?" I questioned, the smile I was forcing faltering a bit until it inevitably fell completely.

Harry lifted his hand, the back of his knuckles rubbing over my cheek. "You just look sad." He whispered as his hand cupped my cheek. "I hate the idea of you being sad over me."

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