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I'm not sure how long I slept in total, but it couldn't have been too long. I kept waking up frequently, my heart racing until I made sure that Harry had really made it here this morning and my mind hadn't just played some sort of sick joke on me.

I would lay there, my fingers running through his hair for a while until my body would finally drift back off into a sleep, only to be woken again from the smallest stir of Harry.

My body still felt exhausted when I woke up due to the sun blaring down into my eyes from the skylight above me. The city was still extremely busy leading me to believe it had to be around rush hour. I carefully lifted Harrys arm off of me from where he had it thrown over my stomach and placed it down onto the bed. His cheek was resting on my shoulder and it took every inch of willpower that I had to slip away from him and not stay there with him until he woke up.

I sat at the edge of the bed for a moment, my eyes wandering over Harry as he laid there on his stomach his his eyes closed. His hair was a ruffled mess on his head and his cheek was slightly smushed against his pillow. The blanket was pulled halfway up his bare back and I couldn't help as my eyes wandered over the many cuts that were lined along his skin.

Seeing them in the light of the day caused my heart to break all the more. I can tell the cuts aren't deep, but it doesn't matter. I know that it hurt— but I also know that it had more to do with psychological torture than the actual physical pain.

Harrys father is actually insane.

Pulling my eyes away from Harry I threw on a pair of sweats from my duffle bag and finally started making my way down stairs with my medications shoved into my pocket. My bare feet padded down the cool steps, my mind reeling over everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.

Yesterday seems like a lifetime ago already. I've seen three men killed. I'm now in California. Millie and Liam are together. Conner is Harrys brother. Harry apologized to me and openly told me more about his family and his life.

I feel like I'm living in a daze.

When I walked into the house this morning Thalia showed me to the stairs and I headed straight for Harrys room so I didn't have any time to look around, not that I actually wanted to at that point. However, my lack of exploring meant that I had no idea where the kitchen was.

I reached the first floor and started wandering around aimlessly. I looked at each plant, painting and small detail that covered the walls of this beautiful house while I tried to make my way to the kitchen. The house in Oregon was beautiful too, and the fact it was placed in the woods earned it a special place in my heart from the start. But this house is equally as beautiful. The open walls showed off different views of the city and the hill that the house sat on was beautiful.

I roamed around the first floor for nearly five minutes before actually finding the kitchen. I audibly sighed in relief when I saw it and made my way into it to grab some water so that I could take my medicine.

"Good afternoon."

I let out a bit of a startled gasp and spun quickly on my heel, the sight of Niall causing my heart to burst in happiness.

"Oh my god." I sighed out in relief as I took a few steps towards him.

I threw my arms around his neck, his wrapping around my waist as he laughed against me. "Seems like someone missed me."

"I was worried about you." I admitted.

"I know." Niall nodded, his cheek resting against the top of my head. "We're all okay."

I gave it a few more seconds before I pulled away, my eyes instantly brushing over him to check over him for any injuries like the ones Harry had.

"I'm okay." Niall said, my eyes moving up to meet his. "Chris doesnt hurt me in the same way that he hurts Harry. He knows that if he physically hurts H, that's the way he can get what he wants out of me."

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