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Aurora Walker
Present Day: Tuesday July 7th, 2020

When we woke up this morning I couldn't stop smiling.

No matter how hard I tried I just couldn't force the smile off of my face. It was like it was stuck to me, frozen in place.

From the second I woke up hearing Harry mumble under his breath to Jake and Lily, whispering out good mornings and asking how they slept, the smile was engraved onto my lips. I hadn't even opened my eyes yet.

Harry must have felt me smiling from where I was still laying on his chest because his arm tightened around me, pulling me over so that I was on top of him. I laughed, my head burying its way into the crook of his neck as he hugged me to his bare chest with both of his arms.

We stayed like that for a while. Both of us just laying there together and giving love to Jake and Lily. It was cute seeing the two of them together. Jake apparently loves cats and cuddles up to Lily who in return allows him to.

I'm not sure where it is that she came from or how Harry was lucky enough to find her when he did, but at one point it seems that she was very well taken care of. She is very friendly, slept on the bed with us the whole night and is nice to Jake. I thought that cats hate dogs, but apparently Lily doesn't.

In her defense, it would be hard for anyone or anything to not love Jake.

When Harry's phone rang, Thalia was on the other end telling him that breakfast was ready, but neither of us wanted to move. It was like ever since last night I couldn't stop touching him– Holding him. I had an overly increasing feeling of wanting to hold onto him. I wanted to keep him in my arms and never let him go.

Realistically I know that is impossible. But a girl can dream, right?

Eventually though we did have to let each other go. Each of us were groaning in protest and stealing kisses as we slowly moved apart from each other.

By the time we made it down stairs the smile was still etched across my lips.

Lily followed us downstairs, her wide crystal blue eyes exploring over everything that she could see of her new home. It was strange to see how well she was adapting already. I would have figured that she would want to stay in the room for a while, but the second Harry, Jake and I walked to the door Lily was jumping from the bed and trotting up to follow us.

Millie looked like she was about to explode the second that she saw Lily. A huge smile spread across her face and in seconds she was falling to her knees in the middle of the kitchen and beckoning for Lily to come up to her.

Everyone took their turns saying hi to our new, "fuzzy friend" as Niall had called her. Thalia, who is a cat person, ate breakfast with Lily in her lap and kept telling us how we needed to get a bed and one of those cat tree jungle gyms for every floor.

Harry assured her that we had more than enough things for her and I seconded that. When I had followed Harry into the closet before coming downstairs I saw just how much he had gotten for Lily yesterday and I nearly fell over laughing.

I may have gone overboard if it were left up to me to buy everything that she would need, but Harry got duplicates of everything and some of the things he got I'm not even so sure Lily will need or ever use.

I did like the collar that Harry got for her though. I had snatched it out of one of the bags he was holding open and walked back out to where Lily was laying on the bed. I put the small collar onto her and smiled at the way that the ruby red stood out against her white fur. Harry said that tomorrow or the next day we can go to the pet store again and get her a name tag for it, that way it's official.

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