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special announcement next week... (;

It's been an excruciating day.

I mean that in both literal and metaphorical terms.

I've had to prove to Niall that I am capable of moving around on my own and that I won't fall over dead on the plane ride to Oregon.

So, that has resulted in me making a few laps around my hospital room and taking trips to the bathroom on my own. Chloe hovered everywhere that I went and even leaned against the bathroom door in my room while I was in there in case I fell.

The doctor came in multiple times, each of his visits were a failed attempt at getting me to stay under the care of the hospital for longer.

I could tell that he was worried. He even asked Niall and Chloe to leave the room so that he could talk to me on my own and ask me if I were being pressured to leave. Of course I nearly laughed when he asked and assured him that everyone was wishing I would stay, and that my leaving was completely my own choice.

He didn't really have much choice other than to let me leave. Niall was right, they couldn't force me to stay under their care if I didn't want it.

After once again giving me instructions on how to care for my stitches he left the room. He wearily shot one last look over his shoulder, but nonetheless told me a nurse would be in with my discharge papers within the next hour.

While we were waiting on the papers I had the biggest jump scare of my life.

I saw myself walk through my hospital door.

It took a second for my brain to remember that Audrie was in fact my twin and that I wasn't having a hallucination induced by the Oxycodone that they have given me for pain.

"Hey." Audrie's voice was soft, but hesitant.

"Hey." I replied.

Audrie looked around the room, her eyes scanning over Chloe and Niall before she removed her hand from behind her back. "Got this at the gift shop." She offered me a smile.

My eyes moved down to see her holding a soft looking stuffed giraffe, the legs dangling down below its body with no stuffing inside.

I actually smiled at the gesture.

"Har— Uh." Her brows twitched together. "I heard that your favorite animal is a giraffe, so..." She trailed off awkwardly.

I looked up to her, my hand coming out to take the stuffed animal from her. "Thank you."

Audrie gave a tight lipped smile, the awkwardness of the situation obviously affecting her much more than it was affecting me. "Right," She nodded while taking a few steps backwards from me. "Zayn wanted to come in, but he still feels awful about what happened back at the warehouse, so he figured he'd keep some distance for a while." Her eyes flicked back over to Niall.

"I told her that it was an accident." Niall assured.

Audrie nodded her head, eyes moving back over to mine. "If he knew what had happened he would have never held Harry back. He was just worried that Harry was going to get himself shot and he didn't even think to look at what Zach was about to do to you."

I nodded, "I know. I'm not mad at Zayn."

"Are you mad at me?" Her question rolled off her tongue quickly.

Her brows raised in obvious surprise that she had just asked that. I shared her expression, a shock surrounding me as she completely caught me off guard with her question.

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