Dinner - 9

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"Eddie , let's eat something." You wakes him up. You can't get up as Eddie is laid right on top of you so until he gets up your stuck . He starts to wake up and smile "hey."
"Hey Eddie, can you sit up. I want to cook you some dinner , what would you like ?" He gets off of you and sits up scratching his head . His finger gets caught in a knot underneath his hair by his ear , he pulls in front of him and it's a plat that you platted when he fell asleep. "I don't mind what I have ." He mumbles .

Her eyes scanned the fridge , you pick up eggs , peppers , milk and cheese.
"Do you like scrambled egg?" You ask
"Yes , it's my favourite!" He happily turns round.
"Scrambled egg it is , do you like peppers and cheese in it ?" You walk over to the table to get the pepper and salt.
"Love all of that." He gets up off the sofa and hugs you again. " I want to know that your safe and that you are okay so I would like you to stay here with me in the cabin. I will take your van and park it in the basement. I will still go to school and to work , but I don't want you leaving this house . You cant go back to your trailer so if you want anything from it tell me and Nancy and I will use our reporting cards to get into the crime scene if there ever is one so I can get your stuff. Well , steal it." You say. "Seriously? For all you know , I could be a murderer." You laugh "well if you did kill me you would do me a favour so I will see my dad." He suddenly went quiet while you turned back round and chopped the peppers.

Eddie turns on the television and it suddenly was on a static channel. "You don't watch tv I guess?" He chuckles "ever since my sister left I didn't want to watch it . That was the only Chanel she watched. Well listens to." Eddie walks over to you and rests his chin on her shoulder as she cooks dinner.
"You miss her ?"
"Of course I do. I've missed everyone I ever loved."
"Why didn't you go with them ?"
"I couldn't face it."
"Couldn't face what?"
"The fact that I would leave the cabin. This is where dad lived . Where El was basically brought up, this is the only memory I have of my family left."
"Well I'm here now, your not alone anymore."
You put the food on a plate. "You only cooked one ?" He looks at you confused. "I don't want anything." You get cutlery out of the draw and gets him a knife and fork. They go to the table and he starts eating. He looks at you and pushes the plate in the middle of the table. He cuts a price of and leans across the table to give it to you . "No it's okay." He smiles "eat." For some reason you ate it as soon as he said it. For the rest of the meal , they share the omelet until there is only one piece left. "You can have that." He picks it up with his fork and passes it to you. "No you have it , I'm not hungry anymore." You say . "Y/n eat it." You then ate ate half of it and told him to eat the other half so he did.

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