After dinner - 10

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You cleaned the frying pan up and Eddie comes over with a drying up cloth over his shoulder . "Let me dry that up." You turned round and looked at him. He has the littlest bit of ketchup on his lip so you giggle "come here." You gestured for him to come closer to you . "What's wrong?" He asks . You wipe it off with your thumb and licks it off of it. "Hmm ketchup." You go bright red. "I didn't see that!" He licks his lips. "Is it all gone." You laugh "no I've got it all. Have I got any?" He looks at you. "Yeah there is." He holds your head and kisses you. You grab a handful of hair and pulls him closer to her.

Once they got out of breath they stopped kissing. "I think I got rid of it all." He winks at you. "Right now dry this lot up." You walk into the bedroom and cleans the room as you now knew Eddie will now be staying in your room or the sofa from now on. You make the bed up and changes the covers.

You walk back out into the kitchen where all the plates and pans were put away neatly . "Eddie , you are amazing." He gets up off the sofa and walks over to you "I must be a one in a million then!" He says. "You idiot. Did you bring clothes?" She rolls her eyes "ooooh shit , no." He bites his fist "don't worry I will go to the shop in a minute and pick you up some jeans and tops." You walk out and sees the van.
"Where's your keys"
"Mine ?"
"No my dogs! Of course youro keys you dumbo!"
He chucks the keys at you and you drop them. "How did you not catch that ?!" He laughs.

You go to the nearest shop and walk around picking up t-shirts and trousers. You know that he will be staying the night so you buy a pack of jogging bottoms , black and white. "That will do I guess." You then remembers , he's only got one pair of boxers so you then buy a pack of six .

After spending 20 minutes trying to decide what to buy him , you walk down into the woman's section. There is a nice brown top that just says 1986 "that's cute." You pick it up. You go into the underwear section and see the cutest blue lace bra and pant set. "Yep , I have to buy that." . Now that there is two of them , you need to save money as there is barely any money left . "We should have enough food at home."

Walking over to the checkout, you see Joe buying a four pack of beer while completely drunk. Contemplating to go and help him, you walk over "Joe what are you doing?" You angrily shout . " oh here she is , the one and only , my baby." You look at him and roll your eyes. "Go home Joe." You walk away and pay for the clothes. He follows you to the car. "Y/n , Y/N I miss you , come back to me. I love you." You put the stuff in the trunk "whos this for?" He picks up the boxers. You yank it out of his hand "go Joe , if you want a ride back I will give you one , if not please leave me alone." He grins at you "I want you to ride m-" you interrupt him "Joe , I'm going now." You slam the trunk shut and you get into the car. He walks away from it and opens the beer.

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