Stay home - 13

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"I need to go to school in a minute. I won't stop of to the shops. If anyone knocks on the door don't answer it . Help yourself to the food and try not to brake the house."
"Yes sir." He salutes to you. "Don't be a dickhead. Anyways look the other way, I need to change." While you change he looks at the bedside table where your pills were. "Y/n , do you take anti- depressants?" He says still looking at the table .
"Y/n I can see you do."
"Eddie do you do weed?"
"Having anti-depressants isn't a bad thing."
"I have to go."
You grab your bag and storm outside. You drive to school.

A few hours later .

You walk into the house with a sandwich on the table and a glass of water. Eddies sitting on the couch "oh y/n , how was your day?" He gets up and walks over to you "it's been okay , boring as usual. I'm going to work at 6 so I'm not going to be here for long. "Well at least eat." He points to the sandwich.

You walk over to him and sit on his lap facing him so your legs were next to his. You were chest to chest "thank you Eddie." You say. He smiles and moves a little bit. As you were sat on him, you grab his neck and guide it to your head. You whisper in his ear "soon enough I will have you whimper by my touch." He looks at you confused that you actually said that as you are just 'friends'. "And I will have you screaming my name." You kiss him and he grabs your waist. "Should we?" He asks "no, it's too early." You say "y/n when we were 16 you kissed me at camp and then we had sex." You look at him "yes but we did it because I trust you and I was scared to do it with anyone else." He smiles "okay, go and eat your sandwich.

What Eddie said was true they did , as you and Eddie spent ages together you trusted him and he trusted you so you were talking about how you are scared about sex and who will first take your virginity so he said that if you guys do it together you won't have to worry about it.

Eddie walks over to you and sits at the table with you. "Y/n , are we only friends." You look up at him quickly "I don't know what to say." He looks at her "that we can have sex right now." You laugh "Eddie" you moan. "We're not talking about this now. If it ever happens it happens." He smiles. "So you like me?" He stands back up. "I've got to go to work." You say. "Okay." He picks up your plate and you get changed he walks in just before you put your bra on as he needed a new top because the water of the tap splashed on him. You face the wall so he couldn't see your boobs "shit sorry I just need a top." He grabbed it and walked back out.

10 minutes later

"Going to work now . Remember, no leaving the house ." You smile and slam the door. Driving to work you see Nancy walking around. "Hey nance , are you okay ?" You ask. She smiles "yeah I'm okay , I've just been thinking about Chrissy. It's so sad how she died." You look at her trying to act surprised "what when did she die !" Then Nancy opens her eyes wide "shit you didn't hear?" You shake your head "well people are saying that her eyes got carved out. Also , she died in eddies trailer so they are looking for Eddie." Your face drops .
"Really ?"
"Okay well it was nice speaking to you"
"Yeah how are you ?"
"Fine , see ya later."
"Oh okay bye."
You turn the car around and drive home as quick as you could.

You slap the door open "Eddie !" He jumps up from the table. "Yeah are you okay?" He runs up to you. "The police are trying to find you , they are going to arrest you." Eddie looks at you "okay well they don't know where I am right now so there is no problem." He winks at you. "I cant go to school or work now." You say as you start pacing. He grabs your arms and stops you. "Y/n stop." He pulls you in for a hug . He lifts you up by your thighs and you rest your head next to his as he's like six foot two and your 5'5 . "I cant lose you now." He sighs "and your not going to lose me now." .

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