【17 - A very long nightmare】

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You were cold. Scared. In the middle of nowhere. The long path of snow in the wind blinded your vision, so you were left with a hand covering your eyes while you slowly walked through the wilderness. To be honest, you had no idea where you were. You were just trying to find that out yourself. You knew you were in a forest, as you woke up sleeping against a tree, but you didn't know which forest you could be in. After all, you didn't recognize anything. Not like you could when you were in the middle of a snowstorm, anyway. Then, something strange happened: the storm stopped. The wind stopped blowing, and now there was only gentle snow falling. 

You paused in your tracks, not only because the snowstorm just randomly stopped, but because of something else.

There was a city standing, but no snow was to be found around it or in it. As your eyes shot down, you realized there was no snow on the cliff where you were standing. Puzzled, you decided that you might as well go to this mysterious city to see what was going on.

As soon as you entered the city, you began searching for someone to question, majorly on how the weather just changed from snowy to bright and sunny. The first person you spotted was a man standing still, his back facing you. 

"HEY! YOU! Mind asking me how the seasons just shifted?" You asked, running up to the stranger. He turned to look at you, and your breath hitched once you realized who it was. "Harrow, right?" You point a finger to him, and he nods.

"Yes, I am, young one. I think you deserve a bit of explaining at the moment. Come." He gestured for you to walk beside you, and you reluctantly did so, although also being a bit cautious. 

"Okay. First question, where am I?" You start, looking forward. 

"Let me show you," He said, and you both headed down the street, and you looked around to see a large fountain at the bottom of the road. Once you were both there, he stood, looking at you expectantly. 

"...What?" You mutter, and Harrow lets out a small chuckle while he sits down on the edge of the fountain. Also you knew he wanted for you to do the same, you shook your head and crossed your arms.

"You know, you and I are much more similar than you think," He says and you let out a scoff. 

"Yeah, minus the whole weird Ammit thing you have going on." 

"But, y/n, what you don't realize is that we could be even more similar to each other if you just followed Ammit's instruction." 

"Why would I want to be any more like you?" You spat, glaring at him. 

"You could use Ammit' s power for the greater goo-"

"Greater good my ass." You interrupt. "If the 'greater good' is found by killing innocent people, than I can shape-shift into fucking gods." You flip him off and walk the opposite direction, that is, until you watch as the road caves in. You start backing away, turning to run but notice that the roads in every direction are also caving in. You cursed under your breath, searching for an escape as you stood on the edge of the fountain. Arthur was also gone, which only fueled your anger and confusion. 

"So be it." You heard him say from.. somewhere as you slipped into the hole of darkness below.

You shot out of bed, almost falling out of it until you collected yourself. You didn't really understand what he meant by "So be it," was he giving up on you, or is he turning on you? He couldn't do anything, after all, since he's dead. So, overall, you weren't very threatened by his warnings. You sighed slowly, later dragging yourself out of bed to make cereal instead of skipping a meal for a change. You grabbed the chocolate Frosted Flakes and pulled out an empty bag, groaning while you threw both the box and the bag in the trash. You got out the bread and just decided that some toast would suffice for now. 

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