Success and Progress

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Kirito, 1 minute after leaving the others

"My lord, I wish to enter!"

Kirito waits in silence for what seems like forever as he stands in front of the great door to the viscount's office. He had told Jaymes to give him five minutes and had spent one of them running from the front gate to the fifth floor. So for the moment, he wishes the viscount would be more...prompt in his response.

"Come in." Kirito, with equal respect and force, pushes open the door and crosses the spacious, dark office, allowing muscle memory to carry him to the dimly lit desk. He runs until he reaches a suitable spot close to the desk, then tries to find the words to say to the viscount. Since his AI is not like KIzmel's, so he cannot speak freely. Yet, before Kirito mouths a word, the viscount speaks. "It seems the battle is going poorly."

"Y-yes, my lord. Four of our ships have been sunk, including the flagship, and the enemy forces are on the castle pier."

"I see... Then it is only a matter of time until the enemy reaches this point."

Kirito wants to say otherwise, but as much confidence he has in his friends, he knows Jaymes will not allow them to risk the girls' lives under any condition. And he won't give his life for the sake of the elves. "...At this rare, it could be, fifteen minutes."

"Then I shall wait for them here. Warrior of humankind, your assistance is appreciated. Take your companions and leave this castle."

Kirito clenches his fists. Two minutes have passed, and he hasn't executed his plan yet. He has two minutes to do just that. "From the very start, the Dark Elven morale has been inferior to the Forest Elves'. I believe this stems from the lack of their true battle commander."

"Ahh. And who would their true commander be?"

"You, my lord."

Viscount Yofilis' right hand extends to the candlelight and taps the desk twice. "...I'm afraid that is not possible. It might be hard for a young human like you to understand, but if you fight eternally, defeat is guaranteed to arrive eventually. If Yofel Castle is fated to fall today, and I to the enemy's blades, then such is the guidance of the Holy Tree. The people of Lyusula must accept that fate."

"My lord, your soldiers are still fighting now! They must be waiting to hear the voice of their liege. Kizmel explained your illness to me. If you are going to wait for death in the darkness, why not venture outside so that you can deliver a final message to your guards?!"

At this point, Kirito expected nothing from the viscount. His prior statement was full of resignation that it was unbelievable Yofilis' line was not premade. Kirito believed the presence of the viscount, even if the battle was to be lost, would be a boon at the expense of exposing him to light. Better him around than that commander.

But three minutes have passed, and Yofolis has remained quiet. With that, Kirito starts to turn on his feet.

"Young human. Answer just one question." Kirito looks back to see a golden question mark above where Yofilis' hidden body is. A quest has begun with appalling timing. From the darkness, Kirito can feel the viscount's unseen eyes aimed at him. "Why do you lend your aid to the people of Lyusula and not Kales'Oh?"

Kirito has no immediate answer. The player's answer of "I simply chose this faction" will not work. They-and by they, he means Asuna and Koharu-chose to aid Kizmel at the beginning because a woman was fighting a man. Kirito went along because he previously sided with the Dark Elves in the beta. Jaymes did not-and probably still maintains that stance-care much for Kizmel, but as Koharu will follow him, he'll follow her. Mito is simply tagging along.

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