A Unseen Trap Sprung

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Castle Galey was victorious minutes after Kirito stopped the poison from infiltrating the spirit tree, and Count Galeyon, decked in full armor, took out the Fallen commander. But the fight was far from over. With Gindo leading them, Asuna followed Kirito, Koharu, Kizmel, and Myia to the canyon beyond the castle. They were following Jaymes, who Kirito predicted left the castle in search of Qusack and Mito after concluding the small guild had something to do with the attack or darker forces were pulling the strings.

This plan, however, might be the most ridiculous one Kirito has ever hatched. Ridiculous in the manner that if it goes wrong, it could derail everything they've done since meeting Kizmel.

But first things first, getting to Qusack and Mito. "By the way, whatever happened with that dark elf escort that Qusack had around?"

"He died in battle when they got attacked by monsters in this canyon apparently," Kirito answered, repeating what Gindo must've explained earlier. "That's when an unfamiliar man showed up and saved them, according to him, but I'm betting that he rounded those monsters and set them on Qusack in the first place."

"Is this the same man who killed Myia's father and tried to kill you and the others?" Kizmel asked.

"Technically, I'm thinking of the boss of the people who killed Cylon. Jaymes, the girls, and I call him 'the man in the black poncho.' He usually doesn't fight for himself but plots in secret and sets people and groups against one another."

"Ah...He sounds like one of the demons of the ancient myths."


"Deep underground in the earth of old, there was a subterranean realm where wicked demons and devils were said to live. Occasionally, they would rise to the surface, disguising themselves as beautiful humans and elves and, by taking the places of nobles or military leaders, would then sow discord among the innocent."

"Yikes," Asuna responded with a tinge of disgust. "That sounds exactly like the black poncho man. I... I hope he's not a real demon." Of course, that line of thinking would be illogical if the poncho man was a player from the real world, but since Asuna had never seen his cursor, she didn't know if he was an NPC. That aside, humans can be demonic in their own right.

"Once we pull that poncho's hood off, we'll know," Kirito half-joked.

"When I was little," Myia started with a nod, "Mother read me a story that had a demon in it. I think that if he has pointy horns on his head, he is a demon." Innocent as it sounded, the man in the black poncho did lead the group that killed her father, so there's a high chance he ordered Cylon's death. The reasons why are still unknown to Asuna, but if he's still around with Qusack, Myia might get a chance to avenge her father.

"Whether demon or human, he's a dangerous for. I'm looking forward to your help, Myia, even though I know you're tired."

"Enough demon talk," Koharu spoke from in front of Asuna, running halfway between Gindo and the group. Her cheerful disposition had been utterly destroyed when she learned Jaymes left the castle, and it soured with each passing minute. He's safe, considering his health hadn't fallen nor had he incurred any debuffs, Kirito's entire plan rests on Jaymes' unknown actions.

That, and Mito's status. Asuna felt her throat clog up thinking about her friend in mortal peril again, but if she suffered the same fate as Qusack, then the worst-case scenario was a paralysis debuff. But now that Asuna thought about it, Kirito did not say, "The black poncho man paralyzed Qusack and Mito," but that the other members of Qusack were the victim.

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