Chapter 20

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Harry's PoV
So I've woken up to y/n sitting watching the TV fully dressed "oh your up" she say "yeah y/n your cheek the handprint" her eyes fill with tears "I know" she sighs "right I'm going to have a chat with Louis I will be back in a bit" I say hugging her "bye Harry" she says and I walk out the door.
Your PoV
It's been about an hour since Harry left and jay hustled phoned to tell you she's coming round with the twins. Ding dong the door bell rings you open the door to see jay and the twins. "Hi honey" jay says stepping in "hi" you say she sits down on the couch "so what happened last night Louis won't come out of his room and all you can hear is his sobs" jay tells you "we'll eh I woke up to a note from him saying that he was having a day with the boys but I don't know if that is true or not" you tell her "that's true I seen pics of them on Twitter" jay tells you "oh ok so anyway I decided to have a day out with the twins so we went walking and met some fans and then I had a sit down at the park for a little while then headed back to the house it was around 7 so I was expecting Louis to be there but he wasn't I wasn't really bothered by it tho I just sat and watched Netflix and ate a fruit salad then I must have dosed off and heard him stumble through the door and woke up I asked him why he was drinking and he told me because he felt like it so then I told him how he had two 8 days old babies upstairs and he shouted and told me how He needed a break and I told him does he not think I need a break to the slap his hand was in my cheek and I went to the ground but I just kept trying to tell myself it's not Louis your dreaming it's Sam it's all Sam but I knew it wasn't" you say tears threading to fall "honey I'm so sorry What are you going to do" she asked " I want time to think" you tell her "I understand so I'll tell Louis and I better get going" she says standing up to hug you you both walk to the door "bye jay" you shout as she opens the car door "bye honey" she shouts.

You decide to text Sophia You: hey Sophia was wondering if you wanted to go to the gym and work out need to get rid of this baby fat? Xx
Sophia: yeah sure Liam has Niall and Harry over anyway xx
You: tell them there baby sitting will be there in a few xx

You go up stairs and change into your gym stuff and get the twins ready. You pack the twins spare change of clothes,nappies and bottles. You get them in the car and you hop in the front and drive to liam and Sophia's on the radio it was saying how they've noticed Louis staying at his mums and they're suspicious. You arrive at Liam's and knock on the door with the twins Niall answers "y/n great to see you and these little munchkins" he coos and takes one of the car seats while you carry the other one in "hi" you say to Liam and Harry "y/n is it ok to tell Liam and Niall what happened" Harry asks "yeah whatever and the twins need fed at 2 o'clock and where's Sophia" you ask "she's just changing should be down in a minute" Liam says then goes back to what Harry is telling him. "Hey y/n ready to go" Sophia asks coming down the stairs "yeah" you say going to give the twins a kiss "now I'm ready" you say walking out the front door and into the car and Sophia walks behind you. You start the car and drive to the gym "so how have you been" you ask Sophia "I've been good got a new show soon oh I ran into Eleanor the other day" she says "she was talking about you saying how she is so much better for Louis and all this shit I was just like yup" she tells me "she knows what happens when she says anything cause if she doesn't remember I fucked her up in starbucks" you say "oh I remember that video went around the Internet for weeks straight" she laughs.
Skip the gym part your now at Sophia house with Niall,Liam,Harry and Sophia .
"So y/n Louis hit you" Niall says and I nod and mutter a yup "I just I can't believe it I mean it's Louis" he says "people can change" you say sadly and walk out with the twins tears in your eyes you put the twins in the car and quickly drive away as fast as you can. You were driving and the suddenly you see a lorrie you swerve the car then everything went black!.

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